Many users are reporting an error with alert saying Your Windows License Will Expire Soon. If this is your case, you can use the following method to Fix this error.
Fix 1
First of all you should try to fix this alert by restarting explorer.exe.
1. For this, Just Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc Key Together to Open task manager.
2. Locate Windows explorer and right click on it and choose end task.
2. Now, Go to File > Run New Task
3. Now, Type explorer.exe
4. Click on Ok.
5. Search cmd in Windows 10 taskbar search.
6. Right click on the Command Prompt Icon and Choose Run as Administrator.
7. Now, run the code given below.
slmgr –rearm
8. Reboot your device.
Note: – If the above command does not work, try running the following code given below.
slmgr /upk
Fix 2
1. Search cmd in windows 10 search box and then right click on cmd icon and choose run as administrator.
2. Execute the code given below in the command prompt.
wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey
3. Now, You will get your Product Key. Just copy it.
4. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Activation
5. Click On change Product key.
6. Enter your Product Key, you copied in step 3.
7. Click On Next.
Fix 3
Before proceeding to this step, just take a Backup of your Registry first, so that if anything goes wrong , you can restore it.
1. Open Command Prompt as admin.
2. Run the command Given below in the command Prompt.
reg add “HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSoftware Protection Platform” /v NoGenTicket /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Fix 4
Although not recommended, if nothing works , you can disable windows update service.
1. Search services.msc in windows 10 search box and click on services to open service manager.
2. Locate windows update service. Double click on it and choose startup type as disabled.
3. click on stop to stop it.
Excellent!! Fix 2 worked for me. Thank you.