How To Stop windows 10 from always asking you for Feedback every time: – Microsoft has launched Windows 10 and indeed it wants to hear from its users what they feel about its new operating system. Of course, Windows 10 looks great, feels great. But I guess it lacks some self-confidence. The frequency at which it asks for feedback is not something I would call a normal rate. Windows 10 asks for feedbacks a little too often and it can turn out to be quite an annoyance for normal users, for no one wants to be pestered with frequent questioning. Indeed, collecting feedbacks is a good thing as this information can later be used to improve the user experience and the stability of the system by its manufacturers. But if we are given a chance to decide whether or not to be pestered with giving feedbacks frequently, we might want to have the power of turning this feature off. So if you want to control the frequency at which Windows 10 asks you for feedbacks, simply follow the given steps.
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- First click on Windows icon and then launch Settings by clicking on it.
- Now the Settings app opens up. From the list of options, choose the one named Privacy and click on it.
- A seperate window for Privacy launches.
- From the left pane of the window, find the option named Feedback and diagnostics and then click on it. Now in the right pane of the window, you will see a section named Feedback frequency. Under that section, there will be a drop down menu corresponding to the option Windows should ask for my feedback. Click on the down arrow of the drop down.
- The drop down then expands to give options namely Automatically (Recommended), Always, Once a day, Once a week and Never. If you do not want Windows 10 to ask you for feedbacks at all, you can go with the Never option by clicking on it. Or if you are okay with some minimal level of feeback collection, go with Once a week option.
That’s it. Now Windows will not bother you by frequently asking for feedbacks. You can easily decide how often you should give feedback to Windows. You can decide not to give the feedbacks at all as well. Hope you found the article useful.