Are you seeing this error message while running a script “Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D02, The package could not be installed because of the resources it modifies are currently in use. error 0x80073D02…” in PowerShell? This, as the error message depicts, does occur when the user tries to re-register one or all the Windows Shell Experience Host apps while the former process is running. We have enlisted a few easy solutions to solve this issue quickly.
Fix 1 – Kill the Experience Host process
You have to end the Windows Experience Host Process just before you execute the powershell command.
1. At first, you have to open the PowerShell page. So, press the Win key and type “powershell” in the search box.
2. Then, right-tap the “Windows PowerShell” and click “Run as administrator“.
3. Now, write down the code on the terminal. But, do not press the Enter key.
Don’t minimize the terminal.
1. Now, you have to open the Task Manager.
You can do it with a right-tap on the Windows icon and clicking on “Task Manager“.
2. Quickly go to the “Processes” tab and scroll down to locate the “Windows Shell Experience Host” process.
3. Once you have found it, right-tap it and tap “End task“.
Additionally, you can go to the “Details” tab to find the “StartMenuExperienceHost.exe” process and kill it also.
4. Now, quickly move on to the PowerShell terminal and hit the Enter key to execute the code.
This will reinstall the Windows Shell Experience Host process.
Fix 2 – Move the exe file
If the first fix doesn’t work, you have to move the executable file.
1. Press the Win key+X keys together and tap “Task Manager“.
2. On the Task Manager page, just head on to the “Details” section.
3. Scroll down slowly to find and right-tap the “StartMenuExperienceHost.exe” process and tap “Open file location“.
This will directly lead you to the actual location of the application file.
4. After that, select the “StartMenuExperienceHost.exe” and tap on the cut icon () to cut it.
5. After that, you can go and paste it anywhere you want (like – Desktop).
After that, just minimize the File Explorer.
Now, you can open Windows PowerShell and run the code again. It should work just fine.
6. Once the code executes successfully, go back to the paste where you have cut-pasted the “StartMenuExperienceHost.exe” in the File Explorer.
7. Cut it from there and go to this location –
8. After that, paste it there.
This way, you have moved back the application file to its original location.
Fix 3 – Install the pending Windows Updates
Check whether there are some Windows Updates pending, install those, and run the code.
1. Pressing the Win key+I keys together should open the Settings page.
2. When Settings appears, click on the “Windows Update” on the left-hand pane.
3. You can check whether an update is pending for your device with a tap on “Check for updates“.
Windows will detect the latest patch or feature update for your system.
4. Usually, you don’t have to click anything as Windows automatically starts to download the update package.
5. If that doesn’t tap “Download now” to download the update package.
Windows will download the pending updates and install them.
Once Windows has finished downloading the pending updates and install them on your system.
6. Tap on “Restart now” to reboot the system.
Once your system starts up, you can execute the code from the PowerShell terminal.