How to Increase or Decrease MP3 file volume using Audacity

Sometimes you find MP3 tracks are too loud. Or sometimes it is very low in volume. It is annoying to listen to such an MP3 track. Here is a fix for such issues with a free audio editing tool Audacity. Let’s see how you can Increase or Decrease the volume of MP3 files in Audacity.

Steps to Increase or Decrease the volume of MP3 files:-

Step 1: Open the audio file by clicking the File menu and selecting Open menu options. Or simply press Ctrl + O.

File Open Min

Step 2: Select the audio track and click OK.

File Selection Min

Step 3: Select the track by double-clicking on it. Go to the Gain section and try to increase or decrease as per your need.

Gain Settings

Step 4: Also, you can apply amplification on the track to control the volume of the audio track. To do that, select the audio track and click the Effect menu and select Amplify menu option.

Amplify Option Min

Step 5: In Amplify window, Increase or decrease the amplification by moving the slider or type the value of amplification in the input box in front of it as per your need. As you type or move the slider, the New Peak Amplitude input box will be updated. Positive values of amplification make the sound louder and negative values make it quieter. Click OK.

Note: If the Allow clipping box is not checked, and you attempt to enter an Amplification value that will result in a New Peak Amplitude of greater than 0 dB, the OK button will become inactive. This will prevent you from applying too much amplification. If this checkbox is checked you can apply as much amplification as you wish, potentially creating a horribly distorted sound.

Amplify Settings

Step 6: Now export the file in MP3 format. Click the File menu and select Export. In the submenu, select Export as MP3.

Export File Min

Step 7: In the Export Audio window, give the appropriate name to the audio track and click Save.

Export Save Min

Here is the manual page link of Audacity, which gives you more details on MP3 Export Options. That’s all! Now you have more control over the volume of the MP3 audio tracks with the free audio editing tool Audacity. 

Hope this article was helpful. Please let us know if this method worked for you. If you are facing any issues, please comment below. We are glad to help you.