Sometimes, you might want to see the latest article published for a keyword but the google search displays all the search results for that keyword without sorting date wise. Wouldn’t it be helpful if there was a way to sort the google search results by date? Yes, this is possible and we have come up with a few ways on how to show the google search results for a keyword by date in this post.
Method 1: Show Google Search Results by Date using Any time tool
Step 1: Go to and type a keyword and hit the Enter key to get the google search results.
Step 2: On the search results page, If the toolbar is hidden then, Click the Tools button to see the toolbar which contains Any time tool as shown below.
Step 3: Then, Click Any time tool to see the dropdown list and select the time frame as per your need.
Step 4: As soon as you select a time frame, the google search results will sort according to date as shown below.
This is a simple method to get the google search results by date.
Hope this was helpful.
Method 2: Show Google Search Results by Date using Advanced Search
Step 1: Go to and type a keyword and hit the Enter key to get the google search results.
Step 2: Once you get the search results for the keyword, click Settings icon present at the top right corner on the results page.
Step 3: Then, Select Advanced search from the list as shown in the below screenshot.
Step 4: Scroll down the Advanced search page and Click on last update dropdown list option and select the time frame you want to choose.
Step 5: Once done, Click Advanced search button at the bottom of the page as shown below.
Step 6: This will narrow down the results and show by date how you have chosen.
That’s how you can get the google search results by date using advanced search option.
Method 3: Show Google Search Results by Date by Changing URL
Step 1: Open a new tab on your browser.
Step 2: Modify and Copy the given below link for viewing the google search results by date(by days).
NOTE: Replace thegeekpage with any other keyword you want to search on google. Also tbs=qdr:d represents search by day. So append number of days to tbs=qdr:d. Eg: tbs=qdr:d4 means last 4 days.
Step 3: After modifying and copying the above link, paste it in the address bar and hit the Enter key.
Step 4: Now you can see the google search results shown by selected number of days.
Step 5: Similarly, if you want to view the google search results by date (by weeks), then modify and copy the given below link and paste it in the address bar and press the Enter key to get results.
NOTE: Replace thegeekpage with any other keyword you want to search on google. Also tbs=qdr:w represents search by week. So append number of weeks to tbs=qdr:w. Eg: tbs=qdr:w5 means last 5 weeks.
This is how you can make the google search results shown by date wise by modifying the URL.
That’s it guys.
Hope this article was informative and helpful.
Do let us know in the comments section below.