How to PROTECT Xbox Series X / S by setting passkeys

Microsoft Xbox console has built up a huge fan following since its launch. There are millions of gamers who use the Xbox console for their daily gaming. The daily gaming in Xbox Series X and Series S involves online interactions of gamers for a variety of reasons. Gamers can purchase games, and in-game features online through the Microsoft store. Certain system changes may be put in place by gamers. A lot of such interactions will require safety as the paramount factor. Did you know Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S can help you protect your account from online hackers and ensure your privacy is not misused anywhere? One has the option to use a passkey to authenticate any transaction or choose to enable a passkey for certain important transactions. We will need to follow simple steps and spend a few minutes to quickly enable the safety features for the account. Doing this will avoid any hacker from easily accessing your account.

Protecting your Xbox Series X and Series S account through a passkey

Step 1: Click on the Xbox button on your controller.


Xbox Button Min


Step 2: Go to Profile & system tab and select Settings.


Profile Settings Min


Step 3: Under the Account tab, select Sign-in, security & passkey.


Signin Settings Min


Step 4: On the next page, click on Change my sign-in & security preferences.


Change Signin Security Min


Step 5: Choose the Ask for my passkey radio button.


Ask For My Passkey Min


Note: Enabling this will ensure that you will be asked for the passkey every time you make any system changes, buy things, or sign in. Please remember it well.

Step 6: Set your six-digit Passkey on the next page.


Enter Passkey Min


Step 7: Enter the same six-digit Passkey again.


Enter Passkey Again Min


Since the passkey is asked at any instance of major change done to the system, there is an additional feature available where the Xbox console can ask for your passkey only at certain times.

Customizing the passkey on Xbox Series X or Series S

Step 1: Click on the Xbox button on your controller.


Xbox Button Min


Step 2: Go to Profile & system tab and select Settings.


Profile Settings Min


Step 3: Under the Account tab, select Sign-in, security & passkey.


Signin Settings Min


Step 4: On the next page, click on Change my sign-in and security preferences.


Change Signin Security Min


Step 5: Select Custom.


Custom Page Min


Step 6:Choose the option suitable by selecting the drop-down under each option and specify whether passkey required or passkey not required.

Passkey Requiremnt Change Min

Edge Passkey Min


Dropdowm Min

Privacy and Safety features Xbox Series X or Series S account

Step 1: Click on the Xbox button on your controller.


Xbox Button Min


Step 2: Go to Profile & system tab and select Settings.


Profile Settings Min


Step 3: Under Account tab, select Privacy and online safety.


Privacy Online Min


Step 4: Select Xbox Privacy.


Xbox Privacy Min


Step 5: Select the defaults from the options available.


Adult Defaults Min


Note: There is a Child, Teen, and Adult default option available. These options ensure who can view your profile online. This also has rules for how Microsoft views your profile.

Following these steps will ensure that your account is safe and protected from hackers. Now no one will be able to misuse your profile and you can enjoy uniterrupted gaming and also keep your profile and privacy intact. Happy Gaming!!