How to fix Teredo is unable to qualify issue in Xbox

Xbox has come a long way from its introduction in 2001. Microsoft has recently integrated the core Xbox as an app in the Windows platform, making it more accessible to users. While using this gaming app, some Windows users have complained of seeing this annoying error message “Teredo is unable to qualify” on their screen. This Teredo is an IPv6 transition technology with some obvious setbacks. But, don’t worry. Just follow these few easy instructions and your Xbox will be running smoothly in no time at all.


Fix 1 – Enable Teredo tunneling

You can enable Teredo tunneling using the terminal.

1. At first, press the Windows key and type “cmd“.

2. Then, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and then tap on “Run as administrator“.


Cmd Search New Min


3. Command Prompt will appear with administrative rights. Now, type or copy-paste this command and hit Enter.

netsh interface teredo set state type=enterprise


Enterprise Settings


4. After running this command, execute this command also to check the teredo state.

netsh interface Teredo show state


Teredo Show State Min


Check whether the “Client Port” shows up as “Connected” then your problem is solved.

If it shows ‘Unspecified’, go to the next fix.


Fix 2 – Test whether Teredo is disabled

You can also test whether this Teredo is disabled or not.

1. At first, write “cmd” in the search box.

2. Then, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and then tap on “Run as administrator“.


Cmd Search New Min


3. Then, type this code and hit Enter to test the current status of teredo.

netsh interface Teredo show state


Teredo Show State Min


If you see the ‘Type‘ show “Disabled” on your terminal, you have to enable it on your system.

4. Just, type this command in the terminal and hit Enter to enable the teredo on your system.

netsh interface Teredo set state type=default


Default Set Min


After resetting it to the default settings, close the Command Prompt terminal.

Restart the machine once and check whether this works.


Fix 3 – Enable IP Helper settings to automatic

If you are seeing the same error message, you have to enable the IP Helper.

1. At first, press the Windows key and the R keys together.

2. Then, type “services.msc” and hit Enter to open Services.


Services New Min


3. When the Services opens up, find the “IP Helper” service.

4. Then, double-click on it.


Ip Helper Min


5. After that, click on the drop-down ‘Startup type:’ and choose “Automatic“.

6. Then, tap on “Start” to start the service.


Automatic Min


7. Finally, click on “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes.


Apply Ok Min


Close the Services window. Restart your system to let these changes take effect.


Fix 4 – Test the registry settings

Teredo may be disabled due to a third-party application. To test it out, follow these steps.

Step 1

1. At first, press the Windows key+R keys together.

2. Then, type “cmd” and press Ctlr+Shift+Enter together to open the terminal.


Cmd New Windows 11


3. Now, type this query in the terminal and hit Enter.

reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\iphlpsvc\Teredo

Reg Dword 1 Min


Now, check the output of this command. If you notice this line there –

Type REG_DWORD 0x4

Then, the teredo is disabled on your system.

4. Just type this command and hit Enter to enable teredo.

Default Set Min


There is another test you can perform using the Tcplp6 path if the previous one doesn’t detect anything.

1. In the terminal, copy-paste this code and hit Enter.

reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp6\Parameters


Second Reg Query Min


Check the output results very carefully. Check if you can see this line in the test.

DisabledComponents REG_DWORD 0x8e


If you notice this line, teredo may have been disabled.

2. Just execute this command to re-enable teredo on your system.

reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0


Reg Add 2 Min



Step 2

You may need to restart the IP Helper service. Follow these steps to restart the IP Helper service.

1. At first, type these commands one by one and hit Enter.

This will stop and start the IP Helper service.

sc stop iphlpsvc
sc start iphlpsvc


Sc Stop Iphelp Svc Min


After that, close the Command Prompt window. Finally, you can open Xbox app and check whether you are seeing the error message or not.



If you are using an Asus machine, there is another workaround you can try. Asus Game First Service may interfere with teredo. So, you can disable the service and re-activate Teredo.

1. Open the Command Prompt terminal with administrative rights.

2. Then, just type all three commands one-by-one to disable and stop the service, and finally,

sc config AsusGameFirstService start= disabled
sc stop AsusGameFirstService
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters /v DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0


Asus Service Min



This should have fixed your problem.


Fix 5 – Fix Xbox Networking

There is a very simple and easy way to fix networking issues related to Xbox networking.

1. At first, open the Settings window on your system.

2. Then, tap on the “Gaming” settings.

Gaming Min

3. Now, on the left-hand side, tap on the “Xbox Networking“.

4. After that, scroll down through the right-hand side, tap on “Fix it” to let Xbox fix the network issue itself.


Fix It Min


Xbox will fix the issue. This shall solve the issue with the teredo.


Fix 6 – Check if the server name is set to the wrong value

You need the proper server name for the teredo server to work correctly.

1. At first, write “cmd” in the Windows search box.

2. Then, right-tap on the “Command Prompt” and click on “Run as administrator“.


Cmd Search New Min


3. Once the Command Prompt appears, paste this command and hit Enter.

netsh interface Teredo show state


Show Statte


If you see this line in the output, the teredo server name is wrong.

failed to resolve server name

4. You can set the server name to the default settings. Simply, run this easy command in the terminal to do that.

netsh interface Teredo set state servername=default


Server Name Default Min


Now, close the Command Prompt terminal. Open the Xbox app and check whether this works for you.

If you are still seeing the “failed to resolve server name” statement in the terminal, you may have an app that is blocking the normal teredo connection to the server. So, you have to alter the hosts file.

1. Open the CMD terminal with administrative rights.

2. Now, type this single command and press the Enter button.

netsh interface Teredo show state

Now, note down the server name in the output result. Generally, it is set to this one –


Note Server Name Min


3. You have to copy-paste this line in the terminal and hit Enter.

notepad.exe c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


Edit Hosts File Min


4. The hosts file will open up in the Notepad. Now, tap on “Edit” and click on “Find…“.


Edit Fin Min


5. Now, write the server name you have noted before in the box.

6. After that, tap on “Find Next” to find the entry associated with this server name.


Find The Server Min


If you can find any entry associated with the hosts file, just remove it in the Notepad.

7. Once you are done, press the Ctrl+S keys together to save this particular change.

After doing this, restart your computer once. Open the Xbox app and test whether you are still seeing the error message associated with teredo.


Fix 7 – Uninstall and reinstall network adapter

Some users have solved this issue simply by uninstalling the network adapters from your system.

1. At first, press the Windows key and type “cmd“.

2. Then, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and then tap on “Run as administrator“.


Cmd Search New Min


3. In the CMD terminal, type this code and hit Enter to temporarily disable the teredo.

netsh interface Teredo set state disable


Disable Teredo


Minimize the terminal.

4. Now, right-click on the Windows key and tap on the “Device Manager“.


Device Manager Min


5. When the Device Manager opens up, tap on the “View“.

6. After that, click on the “Show hidden devices“.


Show Hidden Devices Min


7. Now, expand the “Network adapters” section.

8. Here, right-click on any network adapter related to Teredo and click on “Uninstall device“.


Uninstall Device Min


9. After that, click on “Uninstall device” to confirm your action.


Uninstall Min


Finally, close the Device Manager. Then, restart your machine once.

10. Once your computer boots up, open the terminal with administrative rights.

11. Just type this command and press the Enter key to set the teredo service to the default settings.

netsh interface Teredo set state type=default


Server Name Default Min


After that, close the terminal.

Check the Xbox and test whether you are still experiencing the same issue or not.


Fix 8 – Uninstall any Teredo adapter

Step 1

If you are using a VPN client for your system then this issue may arise.

1. At first, press the Windows key+I keys together.

2. Then, tap on the “Network & Internet” on the left-hand side.

3. After that, tap on the “VPN” on the right pane.


Vpn Settings Min


4. On the right-hand side, expand the VPN you are using.

5. Then, tap on “Remove” to remove the VPN from your system.


Remove Vpn Min


6. You will be asked to confirm your action. Tap on “Confirm“.


Confirm Min


After that, close the Settings. Now, open Xbox and check the connection again.


Step 2

Check whether you are using a TAP-Windows Adaptor V9 network adapter on your system. If you are using it, uninstalling it should help you solve this issue.

1.  At first, press the Windows key+R keys together.

2. Then, type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter.


Devmgmt Device Manager Min


3. In the Device Manager, tap on “View” and click on “Show hidden devices“.


Show Hidden Devices Min


4. When the Device Manager opens up, tap on the “Network adapters“.

5. Now, look for the “TAP-Windows Adaptor V9” in the list of adapters.

6. Just right-click on it and tap on “Uninstall device“.


Uninstall Device Min


7. Finally, confirm this uninstallation with a click on “Uninstall“.

After this, restart your system. Open Xbox and it shall work just fine.