How To Convert JPG File Into Editable Word Document in Windows 10 / 11

Many times we may have an image (JPG format) with us, and we wish it could be edited. It could be an important document that you may want to edit and share it with someone. It could be for work purpose, for educational purpose, or for printing purpose. However, when you try editing the JPG image it will not be possible, because it does not come with that option.

But, why would you create the same document all over again for some minor changes? To save your time, you can use MS Word to convert the JPG file to an editable format. Yes, that’s possible. So, now, you don’t have to look for free software to convert images to Word. You can do it within the Word document. Let’s see how.

Solution 1: Using MS Word


Step 1: Copy the image which you want to convert to paste it on a blank Word file. For instance, we have saved the image on our Desktop. We right-clicked on it and clicked on Copy.


Select Image Right Click Copy


Step 2: Open a blank MS Word document. Then on the blank Word document, press Ctrl + V keys together on the keyboard to paste the image.

Now, click on the File tab on the upper left.


Word Document Paste Image File


Step 3: In the next window, click on Save As from the menu on the left. Now, on the right side of the pane, click on Browse.


File Save As Browse


Step 4: This will open the This PC window, where you can select the location to save the converted document. For instance, we selected Desktop to save the converted document.

Now, name the file as per your choice. For instance, we named it as Convert to pdf. Select Save as type field as  PDF and click on the Save button. You can name it anything.


Select Location File Name Save As Type Pdf Save


Step 5: Now, in the same word document, go to the File tab again, select Open and then click on Browser.


Word Document File Tab Open Browser


Step 6: In the File Explorer window that opens, click on the location shortcut on the left side, where you have saved the PDF document.

On the right side of the pane, select the PDF document and click on the Open button.


File Explorer Desktop Select Pdf File Open


Step 7: A prompt will appear stating that your PDF will now be converted to an editable Word document. Press OK.


Prompt Ok


Step 8: Now, wait for sometime till it converts the PDF to editable Word document. You can easily edit the document now and also compare the image and the document alongside.


Pdf And Editable Word Document Alongside


That’s all. You are done converting the image to the editable Word document. You can freely edit now.

Solution 2: Using Google Drive

1 – Go to Google Drive and sign in.

2 – Click on New

Screenshot 2022 06 15 172042 Min


3 – Click on File Upload


Screenshot 2022 06 15 172126 Min


4 – Click on Recent from left menu to find recently upload file

5 -Now, do a right click on recently uploaded jpeg file and choose open with and click on Google docs

Screenshot 2022 06 15 172257 Min (1)


6 -Now, click on File Tab and then click on Download and select Word (docx)

Screenshot 2022 06 15 172611 Min

5 thoughts on “How To Convert JPG File Into Editable Word Document in Windows 10 / 11”

  1. It was great and very clearly illustrated… until Step 7. There was no prompt telling me it was converting to Word. It still shows up with handles like a photo. Tried it twice.
    (Maybe the initial fault is in the scanner that only creates photos of documents, despite calling them Documents.)

  2. Partially worked. Converted a cake recipe where the conversion got confused and merged part of the description with the ingredient list. Took another minute to adjust the document. Cheers!

  3. December 1, 2020
    Your instructions worked perfectly, with a little struggle on my part, in converting my pdf scanned document to editable Word document. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will now use this often.

  4. None of the crap you wrote works to convert a simple jpeg to an editable Word document that can be saved in PDF format. Thanks for nothing!

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