Fix Shift+2 / @ Key on Windows 11 Keyboard not Working

If the “Shift+2” / @ key on your Windows 11 keyboard has stopped working, then you are not alone. This is a common issue and quite frustrating, because this is one of the combination that you may need to use quite often to create the “@” symbol. This is because, not all computers may have the “@” symbol on the keyboard or users may be simply comfortable using the combination than looking for the “@” symbol in the upper number row on the keyboard, which is a pretty small symbol.

This combination is especially useful while writing an email address while emailing or creating a content copy. So, if you are one of those who would rather prefer using the shortcut combination than looking for the “@” symbol or copy from the web, you can follow this post to fix the “Shift+2” / @ key not working on your Windows 11 keyboard.


Method 1: Make Changes to the Language Settings


In this case, you must try changing the language and check if that helps fix the “Shift+2” key on your keyboard. Follow the below instructions to change the language settings:


Step 1: Press the Win + I keys simultaneously on your keyboard to launch the Settings app.

Step 2: In the Settings window, go to the left side of the pane and click on Time & language.



Settings Time Language


Step 3: Now, go to the right side of the window and click on Language & region.



Time Language Language Region Min


Step 4: Next, in the Language & region settings window, on the right side, go to the Preferred languages section and check for the installed languages.

Here, in my case, I need to install the English (United States) language or make it the Preferred language.

If it’s not already installed, click on the Add a language button.


Language & Region Preferred Languages Add A Language


Step 5: In the Choose a language to install pop-up window, type the name of the language in the search bar that you want to install.

For example, English (United States).


Choose A Language To Install Type English (united States) Search


Step 6: Next, select the language from the results and press Next.


English (united States) Result Next


Step 7: In the Install language features window, you can choose to select the Optional language features and then click on Install.

Now, wait till the language is installed.


Install Language Features Optional Language Features Install Min


Step 8: Once installed, under the Preferred languages section, go to the language you just installed and click on the three horizontal dots on its right.

To make the language your preferred language, click on Move up and the language will move up as the primary language.


English (united States) Three Dots Move Up

*Note – If the language is already installed, then simply follow the Steps 1 through 3 and then follow the Steps 9 and 10 to make it the preferred language.

You can choose to keep the other language or delete it by clicking on the three dots next to it and by clicking on Remove.


English (united States) Three Dots Remove


Restart your PC and check if you can now use the “Shift + 2” combination keys to create the @ symbol.

Method 2: Start the Windows Update Service


However, sometimes, you may be unable to install your preferred language in the Settings app due to  that there’s an issue with the Windows Update service as it needs to be restarted for it to function properly. Let’s see how to restart the Windows Update service and possibly fix the “Shift+2” keys not working on your Windows 11 PC:


Step 1: Press the Win + R keys together on your keyboard to open the Run command window.

Step 2: In the Run command search window, type Services.msc and hit Enter to open the Service manager window.


Run Command Services.msc Enter


Step 3: In the Services window, go to the right side and under the Names column, look for Windows Update.

Double-click on the Windows Update service to open its properties window.



Services Names Windows Update Min


Step 4: In the Windows Update Properties dialogue box, under the General tab, navigate to the Startup type field.

Here, select Manual from the drop-down next to it.


Windows Update Properties General Tab Startup Type Manual


Step 5: Next, go to the Service status section and click on Start to start the service.

Press Apply and then OK to save the changes.


Windows Update Properties Service Status Start Apply Ok


Now, close the Services window, reboot your PC and you should now be able to install your preferred language in the Settings app and that may help you to start using the “Shift+2” keys on your keyboard to be able to create the “@” symbol.