Fix Keyboard Not Typing problem in Windows 10 / 11 PC

You can use a computer without a mouse but without a keyboard using a computer is not an easy thing to do. So, it is very crucial to solve non-working keyboard if your keyboard stops working. There are many reasons for the keyboard not working. Try these following solutions to make your keyboard work again.

Workarounds: – Sometime restarting PC fixes this issue. You can try restarting PC to see if keyboard works.  If you are using A Desktop PC, then try to attach keyboard to another USB port.

Solution 1 – Disable Filter Keys

1. Click on start button and then Gear type icon to Open settings.

Settings Default

2. Now, Choose Ease Of access.


Ease Of Access Min


3. Now, Click on Keyboard from the left Menu.

4. Now, Make sure that Filter Keys is Turned OFF.


Filter Keys Turn Off Min



For Windows 11 Users

1 – Click on start button located in the taskbar and then click on settings to open settings.

2 – Now, click on Accessibility from the left menu.

3 -Now, click on Keyboard from the right side.

4 -Now, Turn off filter keys.

Filter Keys 1 Min

Solution 2 – Update Keyboard driver

1. Right click on start button and click on device manager.

Right Click Device Manager Min

2. Now, Once the Device manager Opens Up, Locate Keyboards.

3. Double Click on Keyboards to expand it.

4. Right Click on your Keyboard Driver and then choose update driver


Screenshot 2022 05 10 171115 Min


5 – Now, Choose Search Automatically for drivers.

Search Automatically Min

6 – Once it updates automatically, then click on 2nd option , Browse my computer for drivers.


Browser My Computer Min


7 – Click on Let me Pick from a list of available drivers Option.


Let Me Pick Min


8 – Select the Top item on the list and click on Next.


Screenshot 2022 05 10 171435 Min


This will auto update the driver from the PC.

Solution 3 – Open On-screen Keyboard

1 – Press Windows key + I together from your keyboard to open settings panel.

2 -Click on Ease of access.

3 – Click on Keyboard from Left menu

4 – Now, Toggle on the On-screen keyboard option.


Keyboad On Screen Min Min


If you are a Windows 11 user

1 – Press Windows key + I together from your keyboard to open settings panel.

2 – Click on Accessibilty from left menu

3 – Click on keyboard from the right side.


Screenshot 2022 05 10 174220 Min


4 –  Now, Turn on On-Screen Keyboard from the right side.


Screenshot 2022 05 10 174343 Min

Solution 4 – Let Windows Reinstall The Best Driver for you

1. Right click on start button and click on device manager.

Right Click Device Manager Min

2. Now, Once the Device manager Opens Up, Locate Keyboards.

3. Double Click on Keyboards to expand it.

4. Right Click on your Keyboard Driver and then Choose Uninstall Device.


Uninstall Device Driver Min


5. Now, Reboot Your PC after reinstalling the driver.

Windows will automatically reinstall the best Keyboard driver and Your Problem will get fixed

Solution 5 – Plug to the other port and check connections

Sometimes loose connection also results not working of hardware. It is widely known that USB ports loosen with time and give connection errors often. So it is possible that your connection is not proper or your USB port has stopped working. To make sure, plug your keyboard in any other port if available or try the next method.

Solution 6 – Try it on other PC

If the keyboard itself is broken or internally damaged then it may be possible that it not working. Go on and plug that keyboard on any other computer and check that it is working there or not. If not working then the issue is with keyboard and you have to replace that keyboard with any other keyboard.

Solution 7 – Check Batteries and wireless adapter

If you have a wireless keyboard then it is possible that your batteries have no power left or maybe your wireless adapter is blocked by something. Try to change your keyboard batteries and check that keyboard works or not. Also, check that wireless adapter of the keyboard is not blocked by something or keyboard is not too far from the adapter.

9 thoughts on “Fix Keyboard Not Typing problem in Windows 10 / 11 PC”

  1. Thank you, the filter keys were off but the option under it was checked to turn on sticky keys if the shift button was held for eight seconds, turned it off, and now it’s good. Have had this problem for a long time on this computer and my last one as well, thank you again!

  2. My wife’s PC had the same problem. Then, I checked the sticky keys (5 times shift) and it worked!!! so, the keyboard is OK and something else was happening.
    So, I checked and she had Pinyin Chinese activated (but I can’t write in chinese), so I changed with the mouse to English and… it worked. Then, returning to Pinyin, works.

    It seems there is some issue with these languages, but if you have more than one, just change to another one and “something” will work again.

  3. typing this using on screen keyboard. none of this works!! please the only buttons working are windows button, ctrl, shift and alt. keyboard lights up and everything but the main buttons don’t work…. help!

  4. use the mouse?

    > Solution 1 – Disable Filter Keys

    > 1. Press Windows Key and I together to Open Settings.

    How are you supposed to do this if your keyboard isn’t working?

  5. The keyboard solution in settings fixed my problem and I unchecked the box below that allows prolonged pressing of the shift key to make it turn on again.
    Thanks so much for the easy to follow directions!

  6. > Solution 1 – Disable Filter Keys

    > 1. Press Windows Key and I together to Open Settings.

    How are you supposed to do this if your keyboard isn’t working?

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