Bluetooth Not Working on Windows 10 [Solved]

Bluetooth is a great tool for file sharing and connecting devices wirelessly. But, in Windows often Bluetooth did not work or you can not connect any device to your computer. Many users are facing this issue and finding it difficult to resolve this issue. So, we have gathered these methods to help you get back Bluetooth on your computer.

Also read, if you are facing these issues related to Bluetooth:

  1. Bluetooth not showing in taskbar
  2. Bluetooth is paired, but it is not connected
  3. Bluetooth Not Showing in Device Manager
  4. Bluetooth icon is missing
  5. Unable To Send or Receive a file Using Bluetooth
  6. Fix can’t pair Bluetooth keyboard, Check the PIN

Method 1 – Check bluetooth Services

Windows Services is the essential program that has to be always running for better performance and smooth running of Windows. Bluetooth has also its own Service which has to be running for working of Bluetooth. If your Bluetooth service is stopped then it is the cause of the issue, you can Check the status of the services by following steps.

STEP 1 – Open Run box by pressing Windows and R keys together. Type service.msc and hit Enter.


Run Services


STEP 2 – Locate Bluetooth Support Services from the services list. Right click on it and choose to restart.


Restart Blurtooth Services


STEP 3 – Double click on it and properties window will be open up. Select automatic option is startup type and clicks OK.

Also, If it is stopped, Click on start to start the service.


Automatic Startup

Method 2 – Check bluetooth is on or not in Settings

1. Search Bluetooth and other devices settings in Windows 10 search box.

2. Click on search result.


Bluetooth And Other Devices Settings


3. In left menu , click on Bluetooth and other devices.

4. Make sure , Bluetooth is turned ON.


Bluetooth Turn On


If it is turned ON, turn it OFF once and Turn it ON back again.


Method 3- Make sure Airplane mode is Not ON

It may happen that you may have turned airplane mode on. If this is the case, your Bluetooth will not work in airplane mode as it is designed to do so in windows 10.

1. Press Windows logo key + A keys together from your keyboard.

2. Now, make sure airplane mode is not ON.

Airplane Mode Off Bluetooth Not Working


Method 4 – Inspect Power options

STEP 1 – Right click on windows button and select Device Manager.


Device Manager


STEP 2 – Locate your PC Main Bluetooth in the list, Double click on it.

Bluetooth Device Device Manager

Step 3 – Go to power management Tab.

Step 4 – Uncheck allow the computer to turn off this device Option.

Power Management Disallow Turn Off Bluetooth

Method 5 – Windows Troubleshooter

Window Troubleshooter is an official windows program that detects the error in hardware or software and tries to fix it. Follow these steps to find the issue by Troubleshooter.

STEP 1 – Open Run box by pressing Windows and R keys together. Type control in the text box and hit Enter.


Control Run


STEP 2 – Click on Troubleshooting.





STEP 3 – Click on Hardware and Sound.


Hardware And Sound


STEP 4 – You will find a list of hardware here, locate Bluetooth and click on it. A pop-up window of Bluetooth troubleshooting will open.


Bluetooth Troubleshooting


STEP 5 – Click Next and it will start detecting the issue with your Bluetooth and fix it for you. If not fixed then at least it will give you the error about your Bluetooth so you can fix the issue.


Bluetooth Problem Fix


Method 6 – Edit Registry

1. Search regedit in Windows 10 search box. Click on Registry editor icon to open it.

Before proceeding to edit registry, its recommended to take a backup first by going to file > export.

2. Now, go to the following location in registry editor.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

3. In the right side Double click on CurrentVersion and change the value to 6.2


Current Version Change Regedit Bluetooth Not Working


Method 7 – Uninstall Bluetooth driver and Reinstall

If your Bluetooth driver is faulty then it can result in the non working of Bluetooth on your computer. You have to reinstall it to remove the faulty driver and replace it with working drivers.

STEP 1 – Right click on windows button and select Device Manager.


Device Manager


STEP 2 – Locate Bluetooth in the list, Right click on your PC Main Bluetooth deviceand select Uninstall device to uninstall.


Bluetooth Driver Uninstall



STEP 3 – Click on Uninstall to confirm.


Bluetooth Driver Uninstall Confirn


STEP 4 – Reboot your computer. It will install the driver again on your computer.

Method 8 – Update Bluetooth driver

STEP 1 – Right click on windows button and select Device Manager.


Device Manager


STEP 2 – Locate Bluetooth in the list, Right click on your PC Main Bluetooth device and select Update driver.


Update Bluetooth Driver


Step 3 – Select Search Automatically Option.


Audio Driver Update Drivers Search Automatically For Updated Driver Software


Wait for the Update process to get completed and let it Update Bluetooth to the latest version.

8 thoughts on “Bluetooth Not Working on Windows 10 [Solved]”

  1. Thank you!!! Trouble shooting often never seems to work for me, but method one fixed the choppy sound immediately

  2. I have two OS windows 10 and ubuntu 20.04 in my laptop . In windows bluetooth not working, ubuntu no issue, so I bought external wireless bluetooth dongle.. but not working.
    If I reinstall driver it will working for that time.. when I ultry to connect next day after shutdown of system again error exist like paired not able to connect.

    Pls help

  3. bluetooth was working, then suddenly stopped working mid game, (steamvr) and now my pc says i dont have bluetooth and even stranger still ive unscrewed my wifi antanna and holding in my hand but im still somehow connect online.

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