How to Solve WiFi Certificate Error on Windows 11 / 10

Just like any other drivers on your computer, the WiFi drivers need to have proper digital certificates. But, if your system has a WiFi driver without a proper digital certificate, you won’t be able to access the internet using that. Generally, misconfigured date and time settings, along with incorrect network settings may cause this issue on your system.

Fix 1 – Enable the Hyper-V feature

Some users have claimed that enabling the Hyper-V or Hypervisor feature has solved the problem.

1. At first, press the Win key to open the search box. Type “optional features” in the box.

2. Then, click on “Optional features“.

Optional Features Min


3. Next, check the “Hyper-V” feature.

4. After this, tap “OK” to save the feature.


Hype V Check Min


Wait Windows applied the Hyper-V feature on your computer.

When this whole process is complete, a prompt will appear to restart the system so that Windows can apply the changes.

Tap “Restart now” to restart the system.


Fix 2 – Reset the network

If nothing has solved the problem, try resetting the network to fix the problem.

1. You can reset the network from Settings. So, open Settings.

2. On the left pane, tap the “Network & internet” setting to open that.

3. Then, on the right pane, tap “Advanced network settings” to access that.


Advanced Network Settings Min


4. Now, scroll down to the “Network reset” settings and open that.


Network Reset Min


5. In the Network reset page, tap the “Reset now” option.

6. When you see the Are you want to reset your network settings? prompt, tap “Yes“.


Reset Yes Min

Close the Settings. Now, reconfigure the network and it will reconnect the network again.

Fix 3 – Adjust the correct Time & date

Check whether you are using the correct time and date settings. The wrong date and time settings may cause this issue.

1. Open Settings. You can easily do it by pressing the Windows key+I keys together.

2. Then, on the left pane, tap the “Time & Language” settings.

3. Now, on the right pane, click “Date & time“.


Date And Time Settings Min


4. Here in this area of Settings, you can find the date and time settings.

5. You are going to toggle the date and time manually. So, toggle the Set time automatically to “Off” mode.

6. Next, in the “Set the date and time manually” option, tap “Change“.


Set Time Automatically Min


7. In the Change date and time page, set the Date and Time manually according to your local setting.

8. Then, tap “Change” to change the date and time.


Change Date And Time Change It Min


Now, close the Settings page.


Fix 4 – Modify the registry

While trying to connect to the 802.1x environment and failing continuously, follow these steps.

1. Just, press the Windows key and the R keys together.

2. There, write “regedit“. Finally, click “OK” to open the Registry Editor.


Regedit New Search Min


WARNING – You should always create a registry backup before you modify the registry. Mistakes such as a single wrong value change can cause the system to irreversible failure. You can create a registry backup this way –

a. At first, click on “File” from the menu bar.

b. On the context menu, tap “Export” to create a new registry backup.


Export Min


Name this backup and store it in a secure location.

3. Now, reach this place, following the left-hand pane –



4. You have to create a new DWORD value here.

5. So, go to the right-hand pane. There, right-click and tap “New>” and tap “DWORD (32-bit) Value” to create the value.


New Dword Min


6. Name this value as “TlsVersion“.

7. Then, double-tap it to change the value.


Tlsversion Dc Min


8. Now, you may set the value, following this chart –

For TLS 1.0 – 0xC0
For TLS 1.1 – 0x300
For TLS 1.2 – 0xC00


9. Once you have modified the value, click “OK” to save the change.


0xc0 Ok Min


After this, close the Registry Editor screen. This won’t take effect until you restart the system. Once the system boots up, try reconnecting to the network and testing.


Fix 5 – Set the authentication settings

You can enable the 802.1X authentication protocol for your connected system.

1. Open the Settings window.

2. Then, click on the “Network & internet” settings.

3. On the right-hand side, you will see the particular connection you are using, i.e Ethernet or WiFi.

4. Now, tap “Properties” to open the subsequent properties.


Properties Of Netwokr Min


5. Now, in the Authentication settings, tap “Edit” to modify it.


Authentication Settings Min


6. Next, toggle the “Enable IEEE 802.1X authentication” to “Off“.

7. Then, tap “Save” to save the settings.


Off Save Min

Check if this setting is turned off, and check whether the network is working or not.


Fix 6 – Modify the Windows Time service

Windows Time service is important for the driver authentication and time system in Windows 11/10.

1. Using the Windows search box, search for “services“.

2. Then, tap “Services” to open that.


Services Min


3. In the Services window, look for the “Windows Time” service.

4. Then, double-tap it to open the Properties.


Windows Time Dc Min


5. You can set the ‘Startup type:’ to “Automatic” using the drop-down menu.

6. Then, tap “Apply“. After applying the change, tap “OK” to save it.


Automatic Apply Ok Min

It is mandatory you restart the system after this. Windows Time service will start while the system restarts.

Now, test whether you can connect to the internet.

Fix 7 – Update the network driver

Try to update the network drive from the Device Manager.

1. Type “device” in the search box.

2. You will see that “Device Manager” has appeared in the search results. Now, tap it once to open that utility.


Device Manager Min


3. In the Device Manager page, expand the “Network adapters“.

4. In the expanded list of drivers, notice which network adapter you are using.

5. Then, right-click the driver and tap “Update driver“.


Udpate Driver Min


6. In How do you want to search for drivers? prompt page, tap “Search automatically for drivers“.


Search For Drivers Min


When the driver is updated, close the update prompt and exit Device Manager.

If you can’t update it from here, you can do it from the manufacturer’s website.

Otherwise, these device driver updates are released via the Windows Update channel.

Settings > Windows Update

Your problem should be solved.