Rows and columns getting frozen in Google Sheets – How to fix

Can’t input any new data in your Microsoft Excel sheet? Is the rows and columns on the Excel sheet are getting frozen automatically? When a row or column is frozen, it gets stuck on the Excel sheet. No matter you scroll down or up, you will see that particular all the time. If you want to unfreeze the row or column, this tip will be useful for you. Solving the problem requires these set of solutions.


Fix 1 – Unfreeze the row manually

Unfreezing the row or column on Microsoft Excel is easier than you can think. Follow our instructions to unfreeze the rows.

Step 1 – Open up the worksheet on Microsoft Excel.

Step 2 – Look for the frozen row on the worksheet. The row with the frozen should have a darker border alongside it.

Step 3 – What you need to here is to put the cursor on the deep border of that row. As soon as you place your mouse there, you will see the hand sign (🤚) has appeared.


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Step 4 – Now, press-down the mouse button and drag the 🤚 sign upwards to align to the border of the Column bar(the bar that contains the name of columns like, A,B,C, etc.).


done not freeze min


After you have done this, the row will become usable once again on the Google Sheets.


Fix 2 – Change the number of rows to unfreeze

You can take control of how many rows that you want to freeze or unfreeze.

For Rows – 

Step 1 – At first, load up the Google Sheet.

Step 2 – Next, tap the “View” on the menu bar in the Google Sheet.

Step 3 – Thereafter, select the “Freeze” from the panel.

Step 4 – Finally, choose “No Rows” from there to deselect all the selected rows that were frozen.


freeze no rows min


For Columns – 

Step 1 – In the Google Sheet, go to the “View” button in the menu-bar.

Step 2 – Then, tap the “Freeze” menu from the descended options list.

Step 3 – Later, just choose the “No Column” option there to free up all the column on the spreadsheet.


freeze no columns min


This way, you can remove any frozen column from there.