How to use Sticky Notes – A complete guide

Sticky Notes is a known and useful application not only for writing and managing your to-do tasks but also enables you to set the reminders, save flight numbers and track details, save contact numbers and e-mail addresses, insert location to visit for later or a link to open later into chrome or any default web browser.

Here is how-to article to get the core idea about the use of Sticky Notes for tracking your next flight or reminder to send an mail to colleague or even inserting a link to visit it later and much more.

How to Open the sticky notes app

Step 1. Search for ‘Sticky Notes’ into the search box.

Step 2. Select on the ‘Sticky Notes’ app to open it.


A By-default yellow color page will appear on your screen where you can write your notes.


How to pin the sticky note to the task-bar

To access the sticky notes directly for the next time,right click on the app in search menu and then select ‘Pin to Task-bar’ option.


You will notice a sticky notes icon on your task-bar each time you open your device.

How to Add New Sticky note

Click on the ‘+’ icon on the top left corner of the previously opened note.

Add New

You can also right-click on the sticky note icon on the task-bar and then select ‘Add Note’ option to add another note on the screen.


How to format text in sticky notes

Below giver are the shortcut keys to format the text you want into sticky notes

Step 1. Select the text you want to edit

Step 2. Click the given below keys on the keyboard for the desired option:

To enable/disable the bold text, press Ctrl+B

To enable/disable the italic text, press Ctrl+I

To enable/disable the underline from the text, press Ctrl+U

To enable/disable the strike-through from the text, press Ctrl+T

To enable/disable the bulleted lists from the text or paragraph, press Ctrl+Shift+L


How to delete the note

Click on the dustbin shaped icon located on the top right corner of the note you want to delete.


You will be reconfirmed to delete the note permanently, click on ‘delete’ to delete the note.


How to change the color of the Note

Step 1. Click on the menu icon on the top right side.


Step 2. Now chose and click the color you want and your note will appear in that color from now.


The New note will appear into the same color, however you can always change the color as per your preference for each note you add.

How to Move and Resize the sticky notes

  • Click and move from the title bar to move the note
  • Click and extend the cursor to right or left from the corner of the note to resize the note window.


How to enable insight

Step 1. Click on Menu icon on the top right corner of the note and then select ‘settings’.



Step 2. ‘Insights’ is enabled if it is showing ‘ON’.


Insight is a feature in sticky notes that if enabled, helps the user to type the contact number, E-mail address, flight/ train number, web link or location with a reminder and convert it automatically into a link.

You can use it for further purposes like to call the inserted contact, E-mail to that address, track flight/train status, search web link or view that location into maps by selecting the link.

How to create a reminder in sticky notes

For example write ‘Call john at 4:00 pm on 6/9/2019’ or you can also write the number instead of name.



You can view in the example that the name and time have turned blue. When you click on the time, you will see a ‘add reminder’ display at the bottom of the note. Click on it and link with cortona to set the reminder.



You will be notified to call that person at your preferred time and date.

Add e-mail link, add location, insert web link and  flight number.

You can view an example of how by inserting an e-mail address and then selecting it, shows a box to send an email.



Similarly you can also add a location and click on it to find it into the maps, Add a flight number and select it to track flight through web browser.

2 thoughts on “How to use Sticky Notes – A complete guide”

  1. Solved my issue. Thank you for this very helpful post. I was trying to figure out how to stop Sticky notes from creating links to things I did not want to have one. I found the answer under the “settings” section for “Insights” above. I have successfully turned off Insights which in turn made it so that I no longer have links when I don’t want them.

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