How to Minimize / Correct the Audio Latency in Audacity

Audio Latency is a time lag between sound being fed to the system and the same sound that is coming out of the speaker device. For example:- In a concert, if the guitar sound comes out of the giant speaker with a delay then you will definitely going to here it twice or separately if its latency is between 20-30ms and if its between 15-20ms then you will feel like its getting delayed. Nobody wants this to happen when the music is been played to the audience especially. This Audio Latency can be reduced to minimum or nullified by using Audacity. Let us see how this can be achieved in this tutorial.

How to Minimize/Correct the Audio Latency in Audacity

Step 1: Launch the Audacity application by pressing win logo key and typing Audacity.

Click Audacity application from the results.

Open Audacity New

Step 2: In the Preferences window, go to Latency section on the right side.

Set the Latency compensation to “0“milliseconds.

Then, Click OK.

Latency From Devices Audacity Min

Step 3: Next, Go to Generate and Click Rhythm Track from the list.


Generate Rthym Track Audacity Min

In the Rhythm Track window that appears, Please let all the default values as it is and Click OK.

Rhythm Track Window Audacity Min

Step 4: You can see a default Rhythm Track is been generated.

Rhyth Track Generated

Step 5: Now let us record the rhythm track using recorder in Audacity.

Note:- Please make sure your earphone(headset) with microphone is connected to your system.

Go to Tracks > Add New > Mono Track.

Generate New Mono Track Audacity Min

Step 6: Start recording by clicking on Record button without making any sound.

Click on Stop button after recording as shown in the picture.

You can observe the rhythm track getting recorded.

Record The Rhythm Track Audacity Min

Step 7: You may not be able to see much time lag or Audio latency with your naked eyes.

But please zoom the tracks to see the latency.

Zoom In Out Audacity

There is a time lag showing in the below image if you place the cursor at the line shown.

Rhythm Track Latency Audacity

Step 8: The time lag as shown in the above image should be noted down.

Again, click on Edit > Preferences.

In the Devices, update the Latency compensation to the time lag in milliseconds. ( -659 in my case)

Then, Click OK.

Set The Latency Audacity Min

Step 9: Close the second track.

Add a new mono track by clicking on Tracks > Add new > Mono Track.

Click the Record button without making any sound.

Next, Zoom the track.

Final Result Latency Audacity

You can see there is minimum to negligible time lag or audio latency between the two tracks.

This way you can reduce the audio latency using Audacity.

Thank you for reading.

Please leave us comments if any clarification needed!