How To Create Multiple Folders At Once Using Excel

Creating a few folders manually might be easy but if you want to create more folders say 40, 50, etc, and also create subfolders inside each folder then it is definitely a time-consuming task when you do it manually. Why not create a batch file and do the same task in a few minutes? you can also re-use the batch file when needed. In this article, we will see how easy it is to create multiple folders at once. For this, you need to only have a notepad and an excel spreadsheet. You can use any form of excel sheets like the excel desktop app or the online excel or google sheets.

Create Multiple Folders At Once Using Excel


Step 1: Open the Microsoft Excel

Step 2: In the new spreadsheet, the second column will contain the folder names. So enter the folder names in the second column which is Column B


Folder Name


Step 3: In the first column which is column A, enter MD




Step 4: Column C will have the names of the subfolder, so in column C, enter \ as a prefix. For example, if the subfolder name is Folder1 then you must enter \Folder1 in column C




Step 5: Column D will also have the subfolder’s name. That means it will be a folder inside Folder1. So enter \ as a prefix. For example, I will give the folder name as \1




Note: The subfolders i.e Column C onwards are optional. You can add these only if you want subfolders to be created else you can only keep Columns A and B.

Step 6: Similarly I have entered 5 rows and 4 columns as shown in the image below.  5 rows indicate 5 folders will be created, and as said above Column C and D indicates subfolders. Hence 5 folders will be created and each folder will contain 2 subfolders in it.


Folder Data


Note: You can increase the subfolders by adding columns like E, F, etc, or also reduce the subfolders by deleting columns C and D

For example, add more subfolders like below


Adding Columns


Delete all the subfolders


Delete Columns


Step 7: Similarly if you want more primary folders to be created you can increase the number of rows, or if you want lesser folders decrease or delete the number of rows.

For example, add more folders


Add Folders


Reduce the folders


Reduce Folders


Step 8: Now create a new notepad, to do that right click on your desktop or any preferred location on your computer then click on New




Step 9: Select the Text document from the list. A text document will be created


Text Doc


Step 10: Switch to the excel sheet and copy all the contents from excel and paste it into the newly created notepad


Data Notepad


Step 11: You must remove the spaces between Column B and Column C. So in the notepad, copy the space from Column B until the \ which is present in Column C


Copy Space


Step 12: Click on Edit and then select Replace




Step 13: In the appeared dialog box, paste the copied contents in Find what field, and in the Replace with field type \

Step 14: Replace the contents by clicking on the ReplaceAll button


Replace All


Step 15: Close the dialog box and you can observe the difference


Replace Space


Step 16: Save the notepad. To do so, click on File and select Save As


Save As


Step 17: Choose a path where you want to save the file. Give a filename with a .bat extension and select save as type to be All files. For example, here I will name it Folders.bat

Step 18: Click on the Save button


Save Batchfile


Step 19: Copy and paste the .bat file to a location where you want to create multiple folders at once. Double click on the .bat file


Batch File


Step 20: It will take a few seconds to create the folders and this is how it looks after the folders are created.


Multiple Folders


Each folder contains two subfolders in it




Like this, you can create many folders at once using Excel and Batch files which saves your time. I hope this article is helpful and easy to understand. Thank you!!