How to create a Distribution List (Contact Group) in Microsoft Outlook

Do you send emails to a set of people regularly either for business purposes or for home works in Microsoft Outlook? If Yes, then you should create a contact group on Outlook which saves a lot of time. A contact group also called a Distribution List or Email Group is a group where you can simultaneously add a set of addresses to your email.
When you organize your set of contacts in a contact group, you can easily send emails, exchange files, and send meeting invitations to everyone. This lowers the chance of accidentally adding someone or use the wrong email address. In this article, we will teach you how to create a contact group in Microsoft Outlook on both the desktop app( called Contact Group)  and the online web ( called Contact List).

How to Create a Contact List on Microsoft Outlook

Step 1: Open the Microsoft Outlook desktop app.


Outlook Desktop App


Step 2: Click on People on the Navigation bar.


Outlook People


Step 3: Now, under the Home tab, click the drop-down button on the New Contact and select Contact Group.


Contact Group



Step 4: Give a name to your contact group.


Contact Gp Name


Step 5: After that, Click on Add Member and select from the three options. (Here, I am using Address Book to create the group).


Add Members Contact Gp


  • When you want to add a member from Outlook Contacts, select it. The window opens as shown below.


Outlook Contacts


  • When you want to add a member from Address Book, Select it. The Window opens as shown below.


Address Group



  • When you want to add a new member, select New Email Contact. The window opens as shown below.


New Email


Step 6: Double-click on the contact that you wish to add. To add multiple contacts, press “Cltr” and select the contacts.




NOTE: You can also add an Existing Group to the New Group or can use different address books also.

Step 7: Once the contacts are added, they will be seen in the Members Icon. Finally, click on OK.


Member Added


Step 8: Once you click OK, the new group is created. Click on Save & Close.


Save Contact Gp


Send an email to Contact Group in Outlook on Desktop

Step 1: The new group created is seen under My Contacts> Contacts. You can click on the list to see your contacts.


New Created Gp


Step 2: Simply click on Send email to send a mail to the contact group people.


Send Email


Step 3: You can attach your documents, Add Cc  if required and click on Send button. This is done in a similar way of sending Normal email.


Email Desktop App


Editing the Contact Group in Outlook on Desktop

Step 1: Open your contacts lists in Outlook and right-click on the contact group you like to edit and click on Edit Contact. 


Editing Contact Gp


Step 2: A pop-up window opens, where you can change your group name, you can also add and remove members from the contact group. Once you have done the required changes, Click Save & Close.


Editing Contact Gp1


You can also do other things like updating the group, deleting the group, and many more. This is all about the desktop Outlook app you use on your PC.

Online Microsoft Outlook Website

If you are someone who uses the web version of Microsoft Outlook for your business or work, you can also create a contact list using the Outlook website. Follow the steps below to create one.

Step 1: Open the browser and sign in to the Microsoft Outlook using Outlook

Step 2: Click on the People present on the left side Navigation, click the drop-down menu of New Contact and select New Contact List.


Outlook Online Contact List


Step 3: Give the Contact List a name, and add names/emails.( you can add both Group and Induvidual ). Once done, click on Create.


Create Contact List Online Outlook


Step 4: This will create the contact list and you can find under People > Contacts > Your Contact Lists.


Contact List View1



Send an email in Microsoft Outlook Website

Step 1: Click on the Contact group you wish to send an email from People> Contacts > Your Contact List.


Contact List View1


Step 2: Now, click on the Contact List and Select Send email. Here, it is Microsoft Teams> Send email.


Send Email Online Outlook


Step 3: The basic email tab opens, where you can attach your documents and Send the email.


Email Outlook Online


Editing the Contact List in Microsoft Outlook Website

Step 1: In Your Contact Lists when you select the Contact list you will get an edit option on the top of the List as shown below. You can click on that to Edit your Contact list.

( or ) Simply right-click on the List and select Edit.


Editing Contact Online Outlook


Step 2: Youe contact list will appear, You can simply add or remove a member. Once done, click on Save. ( Here, I have added another email). You can also change the name of the Contact List.


Edit Contact1 Online Outlook


In this way you can create a Contact Group or List for your family, friends or project team in your Microsoft Outlook. It saves a lot of time.
That’s all.
Hope this article is informative and useful.
Thanks for Reading.