Apple Music animated cover art is not working: Fix

Animated covert art is not coming for songs on your Apple Music app on iPhone? These animated cover arts add a fine touch to the aesthetic part of using Apple Music. So, if you are not seeing the animated covers, you have to take care of it from the Apple Music settings.

Fix 1 – Turn on the Animated Art feature

You have to enable the Animated Art in the Apple Music app to see the animated covert arts.

Step 1 – You have to go to the Apple Music settings to do this.

Step 2 – So, open up the Settings page by hitting the ⚙ button once.


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Step 3 – Next, when the Settings page loads up, go down until you see the “Apple Music” app.


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Step 4 – Slowly scroll down through the Apple Music settings while looking for the “Animated Arts” tab.

Step 5 – If it is turned off, tap to open it.


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Step 6 – Make sure to turn on the “Animated Arts” feature in there.


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Once you have enabled the Animated Arts settings, close and relaunch the Apple Music.

Check out a new album of your favorite artist. You will see the animated art cover there.


Fix 2 – Disable the Low Power mode

Apple tries to reduce battery consumption by disabling the animated art feature when your iPhone is in low power mode.

Step 1 – You can directly check whether the iPhone is in low power mode or not. The battery icon changes to a yellow mode when you are using the Low Power Mode.

Step 2 – So, if you are using it, go to Settings.

Step 3 – In there, find and load up the “Battery” tab.


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Step 4 – Turn off the “Low Power Mode” from there.


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Once you have turned off the low power mode, return to the Apple Music. Later, you can see whether you can view the animated arts in the album art on Apple Music.


Fix 3 – Turn off the Reduce Motion feature

You can disable the reduce motion feature from the Accessibility settings on your iPhone.

Step 1 – In the iPhone Settings page, open up the “Accessibility” settings.


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Step 2 – Among all the other accessibility options, open the “Motion” settings.


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Step 3 – When the Touch panel opens up, find the “Reduce Motion” feature.

Step 4 – If the ‘Reduce Motion’ option is turned on, you should turn it off.


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After revoking this motion reduction feature, the animated art covers should be restored in the Apple Music.

Open up one of your liked albums to check whether you can view the animated art cover or not.


Fix 4 – Animated Art may not be available

Still not seeing the animated art work in a particular album? It is possible that the album doesn’t come with a featured animated album cover. This is generally the case with the older albums by indie artists. You can check this by trying to access the same album in Apple Music from a different Apple device (like from your iPhone/ iPad/ Mac).

Hope these fixes have helped you!