Crossfades not working in Music app on iPhone: Fix

Crossfade not working on Music app on your iPhone? Crossfade does start to play the next song while the last few seconds of the current track is playing, allowing the user a seamless music experience on the Music app on your iPhone. So, if the Crossfade doesn’t work properly, you have to bear with the default transition of the tracks, which is not that good compared to the one Crossfade offers.

Fix 1 – Enable the Crossfade option

You must enable the Crossfade option in the Music app settings on your iPhone.

Step 1 – You must go forward and open the iPhone Settings.

Step 2 – In that iPhone Settings page, go forward and open the “Apps” tab.

Here, you will get to see the full list of apps on your iPhone.


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Step 3 – There, you must find out the “Music” app. Touch to open its settings.


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Step 4 – Slowly scroll down and find the “CrossFade” setting. Turn that on.

Step 5 – Once you have enabled the Crossfade settings, you can set the activation of the Crossfade settings by adjusting the time limit in there.


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After changing the Crossfade settings, play a song in Music app and test


Fix 2 – Restart your iPhone and retry

The problem with the crossfade can be due to a simple bug which can be fixed with just a simple restart.

Steps for iOS 18 or newer version users –

Step 1 – Swipe down from the top to get access to the Control Center.

Step 2 – Hold the Power button in the top-right corner.

Step 3 – Later, use the slider to switch off the iPhone.


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Steps for iOS 17 or formers version of iOS users –

Step 1 –  At first, hit the Volume Up button and Power button together.

Step 2 – As you do that, the normal ‘Slide to power off’ feature shows up on your screen.


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Later, you can just restart your iPhone and give the Apple Music another try.



Fix 3 – Update the iPhone

The problem can be linked with the version of the iOS you are using. In that case, you can update the iPhone.

Step 1 – In the iOS, load up the Settings.


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Step 2 – Once you have opened the Settings page, go ahead and open the “General” option.


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Step 3 – There, you will find the “Software Update” settings.


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Step 4 – In case, if you see an update is yet to be installed on your iPhone, do that by touching the “Install Now” button.


Wait until the software update is installed on your phone. Then, you can go ahead and test the Music app. See whether the crossfade is working there or not.


Fix 4 – Delete the Music app and reinstall it

You must delete the Music app from your iPhone and reinstall the same.

Step 1 – At first, find the “Music” app icon on your iPhone.

Step 2 – Find the “Music” app in there. If you can’t find the app there, use the search box to find it there.

Step 3 – Hold the “Music” app and click “Delete App” to delete the Music app.


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Step 4 – Once you have removed the Music app, go to the App Store.

Step 5 – Search for the “music” app.

Step 6 – Next, install the “Apple Music” app to install it on your iPhone.


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After installing the Music app, re-enable the Crossfade feature once again and test it out.

You will find the Crossfade working as usual.

See whether this works out.