WhatsApp web is stuck on loading – How to fix

Does your WhatsApp on web stuck on loading? The ability to use the WhatsApp directly on the web browser has elevated the ease of user experience by manifolds. If you are a long time user of the WhatsApp on Web, you may have faced the webpage stuck on loading for at least once. If you are indeed facing this issue, here are some fixes that we recommend. These will be helpful in troubleshooting the problem.


Why WhatsApp on web stuck on loading?

WhatsApp on the web depends on the synchronicity of the Web Client, WhatsApp servers and your phone client. After the recent update, you can start and use the WhatsApp web client, removing the dependency on the WhatsApp client on your phone. But, when you log in to WhatsApp on the web by scanning the QR code on the app, it uses a unique ID to verify your access. Once you are logged in with your account, it stores up this ID so that you don’t have to scan the code every time you log in. If there is some problem in there, WhatsApp on web may take some time to load.

Sometimes, the privacy and safety restrictions of the particular browser can influence this problem. We have mentioned the solution for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge users. Follow the instruction that suits your case and WhatsApp on Web will start working again.


For Microsoft Edge users –

If you are using Microsoft Edge, go through the steps to follow the steps.

Step 1 – At first, load up the Microsoft Edge.

Step 2 – Next, tap the button and click the “Settings” to load the MS Edge Settings.


settings edge min


Step 3 – Open the “Privacy & Security” settings tab on MS Edge.

Step 4 – Next, turn on the “Tracking Prevention” feature.


privacy and tracking prevention min


Step 5 – On the right-hand pane, select the “Strict” mode to enable it on Microsoft Edge.


strict in edge min


After you have enabled the strict mode, load up WhatsApp. If you still can’t log in or the WhatsApp is stuck, log out of it and start afresh. You can log in and enjoy WhatsApp on Web.


For Google Chrome users –

If you are having this problem on Google Chrome, these steps are for you.

Step 1 – On the Google Chrome browser, open a new tab.

Step 2 – Type or paste this in the tab and hit Enter.



Step 3 – After loading the Privacy page, open the “Security” to load the Google Chrome browser.


chrome privacy min


Step 4 – Open the “Security” settings.


security min


Step 5 – Go to the Safe Browsing tab. Select the “No protection (not recommended)“: module.


no protection chrome min


Step 6 – There will be a cautionary message right on your screen. Tap the “Turn off” button there to turn it off.


turn off min


Close and relaunch the WhatsApp on Web one more time. Check whether you can log into it or not.