Telegram Too many attempts, please try again later [Fixed]

Telegram has been so popular these days that everybody uses it daily. There are many reports on the internet that explains the problem people are facing with Telegram.

Many users are saying that when they tried logging in to Telegram, it shows an error message on their devices. The error message is as follows.


Too many attempts, please try again later.

One of the major factors that may be the cause of this issue on Telegram is logging in with the wrong password many times, trying to log in many times in a short interval of time, etc.

We have found some cool ideas to fix this issue in the article. So you do not have to worry about this. Just continue reading to learn more about it.

Fix 1 – Wait for 24 hours and try again

If you are seeing this message as discussed above in this article, it could be because your account might be blocked for some time due to trying to log in using an incorrect password a lot of times.

If this is the case, we request you try logging into Telegram after 24 hours. You can try to log in to your Telegram account from another smartphone device if you have to use it urgently.

Fix 2 – Change Date & Time on iPhone

Step 1: Open the Settings app on the iPhone.

Step 2: Then scroll down and click on the General option as shown below.


general settings 11zon


Step 3: Select the Date & Time option by clicking on it from the general list.


Date and time 11zon


Step 4: Now Turn off  Set Automatically option by tapping off its toggle switch.

Step 6: Set a Different Date and time in past.

Now, try again

Fix 3 – Grant All Access to the Telegram App

Step 1: You should launch the Settings app on the iPhone by clicking on the settings icon.

Step 2: Click on the Telegram option from the settings menu list as shown below.


telegram settings 11zon


Step 3: Now it will show all the settings which can be granted access.

Step 4: Ensure you have enabled the all the settings like Contacts, Background App Refresh, Mobile Data, etc.


enable all settings for teleram 11zon


Fix 4 – Offload the Telegram app

Step 1: Go to the Settings app on the iPhone.

Step 2: Now look for the General option and select it by tapping on it.


General settings 11zon


Step 3: After that, click on the iPhone Storage option from the general menu.

Step 4: It might take some time to load the iPhone storage details.

Step 5: After it loads, scroll down the list of apps and select the Telegram app from it.


Telegram in iPhone storage 11zon


Step 6: Here, you have to tap on the Offload App option.


Offload App 11zon


Step 7: This will pop up a small window on the screen and you have to click Offload App to continue.


Offload App confirm 11zon


Step 8: Once it offloads the Telegram app from the iPhone, click Reinstall App as shown in the image below.


Reinstall App 11zon


Fix 5 – Re-install the Telegram app

Step 1: Go to the home screen of your iPhone.

Step 2: Long tap on the Telegram app icon and select the Remove App option from the context menu list.


Remove App 11zon


Step 3: Now select the Delete App option from the pop-up window on the screen.


Delete App 11zon


Step 4: Then click Delete to continue uninstalling the Telegram app from the iPhone.


Delete telegram 11zon


Step 5: After it deletes, go to the App Store and search for the Telegram app.


search for telegram 11zon


Step 6: Click on the cloud-shaped symbol to start installing the Telegram app again on the iPhone.


cloud shaped telegram 11zon