How to Install Windows 11 on VMware Workstation Player

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With the new version of Windows rolling out, many users want to try and get the feel of Windows 11 and its features. However, it can be slightly risky to install the beta release of Windows 11 on your system as that can have bugs. Instead of replacing the stable version of Windows in your system with Windows 11, you can simply install Windows 11 on a Virtual Machine. Once, you are happy with its features and comfortable with the UI, you can plan on upgrading to Windows 11 on your system.

This article will guide you on how to Install Windows 11 on a VMWare Workstation Player

Steps to be followed to Install Windows 11 on VMware WorkStation Player

Step 1: Visit the VMware Download Page

Step 2: Scroll down to locate Try Workstation 16.0 Player for Windows and click on DOWNLOAD NOW. Note that this software is free for non-commercial use.


Vmware Download Now


Step 3: Download the Windows 11 ISO file. Refer to the article How to download Windows 11 ISO from the official Microsoft website for more details.

Step 4: Open the VMware Workstation Player by double-clicking on it.

Step 5: Click on Create a New Virtual Machine


Create A New Vrtual Machine


Step 6: In the New Virtual Machine Wizard window that opens,check the Installer disc image file(iso) option

Step 7: Click on the Browse button


New Wizard



Step 8: Locate and click on the Downloaded Windows 11 ISO File and the press Open


Browse The File


Step 9: Click on the Next button


Press The Next Button


Step 10: In the appearing window, by default, Microsoft Windows will be checked,  verify the version of the base operating system(Windows Version that is installed on your system) , and press Next


Windows And Version



Step 11: Give an appropriate name for the VM and click on Next



Windows Name


Step 12: In the Specify Disk Capacity window, specify at least 64 GB

Step 13: Check the Store virtual disk as a single file 

Step 14: Click on the Next button



Specify The Disk Capacity


Step 15: In the Ready to create Virtual Machine window, click on Customize Hardware button as shown below


Customize Hardware



Step 16: Click on Memory from the left-hand side.

Step 17: From the Right-hand side, make sure you allocate at least 4 GB of RAM 


Adjust Memory Min


Step 18: Finally, click on the Finish button.

Step 19: Now, you will notice the newly created VM listed as shown below.


Vm Listed


Step 20: Double-click on it play the Virtual Machine

At this stage, if you see any error stating the “This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled”. It means that Virtualization is not enabled on your machine. In order to enable Virtualization, Enter BIOS mode and enable Virtualization. The instructions to enable BIOS mode and to enable virtualization differ from vendor to vendor. So visit your vendor’s website and check for the details.

Step 21: You should be able to see windows Boot Options, click on Boot Normally 

Step 22: You will see the message press any key to continue. Click on any key


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Step 23: Now, you will see the following window, choose the language you prefer, and click on Next


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Step 24: Click on Install Now


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Step 25: In Activate Windows window, click on I don’t have a product key


I Dont Have A Product Key



Step 26: From the appearing window, choose the Windows 11 edition of your choice and click on Next



Version And Click On Next


Step 27: You will see a license agreement, tick on I accept the Microsoft Software License Terms, and click on Next



Software Agreement


Step 28: Click on Custom: Windows Only(advanced)



Customise Windows Setup


Step 29: In the appearing window, Choose the drive and click on Next



Drive Details Min


Step 30: You will see that windows starts installing. Please be patient and sit back as this would take some time.


Windows Installing


Step 31: Follow the wizard to complete the setup process.

Step 32: Setup your account for Windows 11 following the instructions.

Step 33: Once, that is done, log in to Windows 11

Step 34: From the ribbon at the bottom double-click on the search option as shown below


Search Option Min


Step 35: Click on the Settings icon as shown below


Click On The Settings Icon


Step 36: Click on the Windows Update. Click on the Windows Insider Program


Windows Update Windows Insider Program


Step 37: Click on Get Started


Click On Get Stared


Step 40: In the Link an account to join the program window, click on the Link Account button.


Link Account Step 1


Step 41: Select the Microsoft account that you want to link and click on Continue


Choose The Account Step 2



Step 42: Select a channel, based on your preference and click on Continue


Choose A Channel


Step 43: Click on Continue to agree to the terms and conditions from Microsoft.


Agree To Terms

Step 44: Finally, Click on Restart Now to get started.


Restart Your System


That’s All Guys!

We hope this article has been informative.

Kindly comment and let us know if you are facing any issues and we will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for Reading.