How to Create or Delete Microsoft and Local Account on Windows 10

When you install the Windows 10 OS for the first time or whenever you re-install it, you usually have to create a new account that requires an email id and password. This helps you to sign into Windows and this is primarily the Microsoft account. However, you may want to use a local account instead for privacy. Also, it may be possible that you deleted the Microsoft account accidentally and now you want to add it again.

So, whether you want to create or delete a Microsoft account on your Windows 10 PC, we are here to guide you with the same.


Method 1: How To Add Accounts Using Account Settings

How To Add Local Account


Step 1: Press Win + I keys together on your keyboard to open the Settings window.


Step 2: In the Settings window, click on Accounts.


Settings Accounts


Step 3: Next, go to the right side and you will see that you are signed-in into your Microsoft Account as an Administrator.

Below that, click on Sign in with a local account instead.


Settings Account Microsoft Account Administrator Sign In With A Local Account Instead


Step 4: In the next window, enter the current password of the Microsoft account that you are signed in with.


Windows Security Making Sure Its You Enter Current Password For Microsoft Account


Step 5: In the Enter your local account info window, add all the required details and press Next.


Enter Your Local Account Info Enter All The Details Next


Wait for sometime and the local account is created. Once the Local account is created, it will automatically remove the Microsoft account.


You can also remove the Microsoft Account using other methods as below.

How To Add Microsoft Account


Step 1: Press Win + I keys together on your keyboard to open the Settings window.


Step 2: In the Settings window, click on Accounts.


Settings Accounts


Step 3: Next, go to the right side and you will see that you are signed-in into your Local Account as an Administrator.

Below that, click on Sign in with a Microsoft account instead.


Settings Account Local Account Administrator Sign In With A Microsoft Account Instead


Step 4: It will open the Create account window. Add the email address you want to use.

You can also use a phone number instead.

Click Next to proceed.


Microsoft Create Account Add Email Or Phone Number Next


Step 5: Next, in the Create a password window, add a password (make it a strong password) and click Next.


Create A Password Next


Step 6: In the next window, add your First Name and Last Name and then click Next to continue.


Whats Your Name First Name Last Name Next


Step 7: You will then enter the What’s your date of birth? window. Add your Country/region and Date of birth.

Click Next.


Whats Your Date Of Birth Country Or Region Date Of Birth Next


Step 8: Next, you will be taken to the Sign in to this computer using your Microsoft account where you would need to type in the password of the local account you are logged in currently.


Enter Current Windows Password Next


Step 9: It will take you to the Windows Security page > Making sure it’s you,  where you will be prompted to create a Microsoft Hello PIN.


Making Sure Its You Create A Windows Hello Pin


Wait for sometime and your Microsoft account will be created.




Method 2: How To Remove Microsoft Account Using Control Panel


Step 1: Go to Start and type Control Panel in the Windows search bar.


Desktop Start Search Control Panel


Step 2: Left-click on the result to open the Control Panel window.


Start Search Control Panel Result


Step 3: In the Control Panel window, go to View by and set the field to Large icons.

Select User Accounts from the list.


Control Panel View By Large Icons User Accounts


Step 4: In the User Accounts window, go to the right side of the pane and click on Manage another account.


User Accounts Right Side Manage Another Account


Step 5: Next, under Choose the user you would like to change, select the account you want to remove.


Choose The User You Would Like To Change


Step 6: In the Change an Account window, click on Delete the account.


Make Changes To Account Delete The Account


You will see a prompt asking if you wish to keep the files related to this account. Press Keep Files and all the related personal files will be safe.

Alternatively, you can try deleting the Microsoft account using the User Accounts.


Method 3: Using User Accounts


Step 1: Right-click on Start and click on Run in the menu.


Desktop Start Right Click Run


Step 2: In the Run command window, type netplwiz and press OK to open the User Accounts dialogue box.


Run Command Search Netplwiz Ok


Step 3: In the User Accounts window, under the Users tab, go to the Users for this computer section.

Select the account and press the Remove button below.


User Accounts Users Tab Users For This Computer Select Account Remove


Click Yes in the prompt that appears to confirm. It will then remove the Microsoft account.


Or, you can delete the account using the Settings app.


Method 4: Using the Settings App


Step 1: Press Win + I keys together on your keyboard to open the Settings window.


Step 2: In the Settings window, click on Accounts.


Settings Accounts


Step 3: Next, on the left side of the pane, go to to Family & other users.


Settings Accounts Family & Other Users


Step 4: Now, go to the right side of the pane and under Other users, select the Microsoft account you want to delete, and click on Remove.


Settings Accounts Family & Other Users Right Side Select Account Remove


In the confirmation prompt that appears, click on Delete account and data to confirm.


That’s all. Now, your Microsoft account should be removed.