Top portion of lock screen wallpaper is blurred in iPhone: Fix

Is the wallpaper of your lock screen getting blurred on your iPhone? This is nothing out of ordinary, as this is not a problem, but a lock screen customization feature. iPhone has this feature called ‘Extend Wallpaper’ that can blur your wallpaper. We have discussed multiple methods of fixing this problem, and enact the solutions according to the scenario you have.

Fix 1 – Crop the image to wallpaper mode

Your iPhone will automatically blur or adjust the image when you try to set the wallpaper from an image that doesn’t match the aspect ratio of the iPhone’s screen.

Step 1 – So, you must crop the image to match the wallpaper scale. To do this, open the Photos app.

Step 2 – Open the image that you want to set as the lock screen wallpaper.

Step 3 – Next, tap the “Edit” button at the top.


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Step 4 – In the Edit mode, select the “Crop” option from the bottom bar.

Step 5 – iOS has a specific set of crop styles present in the editor. To invoke that, tap the button next to the pen in the edit bar.


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Step 6 – Now, select the “Wallpaper” feature from there.

The image will be cropped automatically to the aspect ratio of the lock screen wallpaper.

Step 7 You may move the box sideways to get the actual image that you want to put in your lock screen.


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Step 8 Finally, tap “Done” to complete editing the image.


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Once you have edited the image, it is ready to go to your lock screen.

Step 9 – Tap the “Share” icon in the bottom-left corner of the page.

Step 10 – Scroll up and tap “Use as Wallpaper” to use the image.


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Don’t customize the lock screen image at all (like zoom out or in to adjust it on the screen).

Step 11 – Next, tap the “Set as Wallpaper Pair” to complete the setup.


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Lock the device once and check out the lock screen. The image on the lock screen won’t get blurred anymore.


Fix 2 – Unblur the Home Screen wallpaper

If you are getting a blurred effect on the Home Screen image, you can fix that following these steps.

Step 1 – Open the Settings and go to the “Wallpapers” settings.


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Step 2 – There, look for the wallpaper and lock screen pair that you are using.

Step 3 – The second picture (which should appear blurry and contains blank app icons) is your Home Screen. So, tap the “Customize” under that to open the customizations.


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Step 5 – There, tap the “Blur” option to lift the blur effect from the image.

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After removing the blur effect, you won’t see the same effect in the wallpaper of your iPhone.


Fix 3 – Do not extend the image

While setting up the image as the lock screen wallpaper or the Home Screen wallpaper, refrain from pinching or cropping the picture outwards. When you zoom out from the said picture, it will add a blurring effect (known as the ‘Extend wallpaper’ feature) on the top portion of the lock screen to complete the picture.

Step 1 – Wake up the iPhone and hold down the lock screen for a second or two.

Step 2 – Tap the “Customize” option there.


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Step 3 – Choose the “Lock screen” to edit that.


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Step 4 – In the specific lock screen page, you will find the three-dot menu.

Step 5 – Simply, tap that and disable the “Extend Wallpaper” feature from there.


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Once you have done that, the wallpaper will be restored to normal size once again.

When it does get restored to the normal aspect ratio of the lock screen, the top of the lock screen won’t get blurred anymore.