How to fix Outlook account getting single use code request : Fix

While using the Outlook as your main email client, the last thing you ever want to witness is single code request mails in your inbox. This is not some normal spam business emails that you can throw into the bin. These emails are the proof is someone is trying to access your email. So, we have mentioned some precautionary measures that you can take to protect the Outlook.

Fix 1 – Use the Microsoft Authenticator app

Setting up and using the Microsoft Authenticator app can be very useful in these security issues.

Steps to do on your phone –

Ready your phone as you have to load the Microsoft Authenticator app in there and use it.

Step 1 – Go to the Play Store or App Store.

Step 2 – Search and install the “Microsoft Authenticator” app.


install authenticator min


Step 3 – Open the Microsoft Authenticator app.

Step 4 – Now, tap “Sign  in with Microsoft” or “Add work or school account” option.

Step 5 – Input the email account where you have received those single use code requests.

Step 6 – Properly use the email password and complete the log in process.

enter password sign in min


Microsoft will send you a code to verify the email address. Just input the code in proper place and complete the verification step as well.


continue verify identity min


This way, you have successfully setup your email ID with the Microsoft Authenticator app. Whenever you want to access your acccount, a notification will appear in the app. Just tap “Approve” to confirm your entry.


new code req approve min


Now, as you have activated the authentication, you won’t receive any single code requests at all.


Fix 2 – Enable the two-step verification

Apart from the notification access of the Authenticator app, there are multiple ways to sign in. So enable the 2FA or Two-step verification to ensure maximum security.

Step 1 – Open a browser and go to the account security dashboard.

Step 2 – Get pass through the email ID verification. You can use the Authenticator to bypass the password input process.

Step 3 – Once you are in the Security Dashboard page, get down to the Additional security section.

Step 4 – Go to the “Two-step verification” and tap “Turn on” to turn that On.


turn on two step verification min


Step 5 – There are several information will be provided to you. Keep tapping the “Next” button to proceed through the process.


next to two step min


Step 6 – Finally, tap “Finish” to finish the process.


finish min


After this, 2-Factor security is enabled on your account and it should protect your account from unwanted access.


Fix 3 – Check your recent activity

Checking the recent activity tab, you can understand the origin of the activity which is sending you the single code requests.

Step 1 – Just open a web browser and directly visit the Activity section of your Microsoft account.

Step 2 – You have log in using the Microsoft account you are using to track the log in attempts.

Step 3 – On the main Activity page, you will get a comprehensive list of all the log-in attempts (including the unsuccessful ones), along with the device IP, nearest location, country or region, etc.


activity chart min


If you detect any kind of attempt to breach, report it to the higher authorities. If this has happened to a personal email account, change the account password immediately.


Fix 4 – Do no share these codes

As these codes are sensitive, do not share or forward these single code requests to anyone. Just follow the solutions we have mentioned before and these mails will stop appearing anymore.