How to save your contacts in Google Drive [Import and Export]

Using an Android phone has its own set of useful perks. Among one of these is saving your contacts in Google Drive and exporting those saved contacts anywhere. This is an excellent way to save all your contacts in your new device, without much hassle.

How to save/ export your contacts in Google Drive

Follow these steps to save or export your contacts to Google Drive.

Step 1 – Open the Contacts app on your phone.

Step 2 – Go to the “Contacts” section.

Step 3 – Then, tap the three-dot button and tap “Select all“.


select all the contatcs min


Step 4 – After selecting all the contacts, tap “Shareshare icon to share them.


share it min


Step 5 – Now, click Google Drive to upload the contacts to it.


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Step 6 – Next you have to choose where to store those contacts (in a folder).

You can also change the name, and destination drive or you can just leave everything as it is and tap “Save“.


save it min


Wait for your phone to upload the compressed .vcf file to the Drive.

This way, you can easily store your contacts in the Google Drive.

[NOTE – Usually, all the latest phone has support for Google Contacts, which comes pre-installed on the device. If you are using an older Android Phone, you can install Google Contacts from Play Store.]


How to restore/ import your contacts from Google Drive

All of your contacts get exported into a simple .vcf file. It is very easy to restore or import your saved contacts from Google Drive. There are many ways you can use this saved contact files.

At first, make sure you are using the same Google account where you have uploaded those contacts.

Way 1 – Using the Settings

Step 1 – Drag down the notification and click the ⚙️ icon.

Step 2 – Go down to find the “Google” setting and open that up.


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Step 3 – If you scroll down a little bit, you can find the “Settings for Google Apps“.


settings for google aps min


Step 4 – Next, tap “Google Contacts sync” to open that setting.


google contacts sync min


Step 5 – You can check the Sync Status page.


choose the status min


Step 6 – Make sure to turn the “Automatically sync” to “On“.


auto synce min


This will start syncing your contacts within a few seconds and you will get all of your accounts synced within a few minutes.


Way 2 – Using the Drive directly

There is another direct way you can import those saved contacts. This can be done using the Drive app.

Step 1 – Open the Drive app.

Step 2 – Look for the uploaded .vcf file among the Drive files. Or, you can perform a search for it.

Step 3 – Tap the file once to open it.


vcf card edit min


Step 4 – It will automatically show you the option to send those files.

Step 5 – You can choose to import those files directly to the email account you wish or to the Phone. All the contacts will be visible on the Contacts page of the devices which is connected to the Google account.


select it min


This way, you can sync all the contacts easily from Google Drive.