How to Create and Delete Custom Power Plans in Windows 11

It is based on your computer’s power plans that your system manages and consumes power. Windows 11 offers built in power plans like Balanced, High Performance and Power Saver. You can adjust these existing power plan settings to better suit your requirements. Or if you would like to create a new custom power plan, you can very much do so by taking one of the built in power plans as your base plan, and then by modifying the settings in it.

In this article, we explain in detail how you can create a custom power plan and how you can delete it with some very simple methods.

How to Create Custom Power Plan Through Control Panel

Step 1: On the taskbar, click on the Search icon.


1 Search Icon Optimized Optimized


Step 2: In the search bar, type in control panel. Click on the Control Panel option from search results.


2 Search Control Panel Optimized


Step 3: In the control panel search window, type in power options. Click on Power Options from the results that show.


3 Control Panel Power Options Optimized


Step 4: As next, in the left window pane, click on the link that says Create a power plan.


4 Create Power Plan Optimized


Step 5: Now you will have options to build your custom power plan from any of the existing power plans.

Select one base power plan from the existing power plans. I have selected the Balanced power plan in the example below.

Once the base power plan is selected, give a name to your new custom power plan.

Hit the Next button when you are done.


5 Custom Power Plan Optimized


Step 6: In the power plan settings window that opens up, you can change the settings for your custom plan.

You can use the drop down menus associated with the Turn off the display option and Put the computer to sleep option to make necessary changes.

Once you’re all done, click on the Create button.


6 Modify Optimized


Step 7: That’s it. You can now see that your custom power plan is successfully created.

If you would like to modify any settings in your custom plan, then you can click on the Change plan settings link associated with your power plan.


7 Change Plan Settings Optimized


Step 8: Just like in Step 6, in this window, you can modify your plan settings. Once all done, hit the button Save changes.


8 Modify Optimized



How to Delete Custom Power Plan Through Control Panel

To delete a custom power plan, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Click on the Search icon in the taskbar.


1 Search Icon Optimized Optimized


Step 2: Search and launch Control Panel.


2 Search Control Panel Optimized


Step 3: Search for power options in the control panel window and from the results, click on Power Options link.


3 Control Panel Power Options Optimized


Step 4: In the Choose or customize a power plan window, click on the link that says Change plan settings associated with the custom power plan that you wish to delete.


16 Delete Change Plan Optimized


Step 5: In the Change settings for the plan window, click on the link Delete this plan.


17 Delete This Plan Optimized


That’s it. You have successfully removed the custom power plan.

How to Create Custom Power Plan Through Command Prompt

For those users who love to have a graphic user interface, Control Panel is the best option to create and delete custom power plans. However, if you are one of the techies out there, who loves to play around with the endless options that command prompt offers, you can follow the steps below to create and delete custom power plans in Windows 11.

Step 1: Launch the Run window by pressing Win and R keys together. Type in cmd and hit Enter key.


9 Run Cmd Optimized


Step 2: To create a custom power plan, you need a base power plan that’s already existing in your machine. It is with the settings of this base power plan that your new custom plan will be created.

1. Type in the following command and press Enter key to view all the existing power plans in your machine.

powercfg /list

2. As next, copy the GUID of the base power plan that you selected. In the example below, I have taken the GUID of the Balanced power plan.


10 Power Config List Optimized


Step 3: As next, we need to duplicate the base power plan you selected. For that, type in the following command and hit Enter key.

powercfg -duplicatescheme BASE_GUID

Note: Please make sure to replace BASE_GUID with the GUID that you copied in the previous step.

In the command prompt, a new line Power Scheme GUID will now come, which gives you the GUID of your new custom plan. COPY THIS NEW GUID.


11 Duplicate Scheme Optimized


Step 4: Next step is to give your custom power plan a suitable name. For that,

1. Type in the following command and hit Enter key.

powercfg -changename GUID "name"

Note: Make sure to replace GUID with the GUID value that you copied in Step 3. Also, replace name with the name of your custom power plan. In the example below, I have named my custom power plan as Geek Page Custom Plan 2.

2. If you would like to see whether the custom power plan is added or not, you can list the power plans again using the following command.

powercfg /list


12 Name Power Plan Optimized


Step 5: Once you create a custom power plan, to make it the active power plan that your system uses, you have to use the setactive command as shown below.

powercfg -setactive GUID

Note: Replace the GUID with the actual GUID of your custom power plan that you copied in Step 3.


13 Set Active Optimized


You have now successfully created a new custom power plan for your machine and made it the active one.

How to Delete Custom Power Plan Through Command Prompt

1. To delete a custom power plan, first of all, you need to make some other power plan the active one. For that, use the setactive command.

powercfg -setactive GUID

Note: Please make sure to replace the GUID with the GUID of any power plan other than the GUID that you are going to delete.

2. As next, delete the custom power plan by using the delete command.

powercfg -delete GUID

Note: Replace GUID with the GUID of the custom power plan that you are going to delete.


15 Delete Powercfg Optimized

Please tell us in the comments which method you used and whether it was successful or not.