How to Fix Windows Cannot Access Shared Drive in Windows 10

While working on a Local Area Connection (LAN) network, you try to share a specific folder or drive on your computer and you encounter an error “Windows Cannot Access \\ Computer Name“, it’s either due to missing network permissions, incorrectly installed Network Drivers, or simply due to a fault in Windows Registry. It has been noticed that the error usually arises just after you have created a new LAN connection in your network. So, whenever you try to open the the shared folder or drive, the error shows up.

Moreover, this error can occur even when you try to open network files. While, this is an annoying error, fortunately, it can be fixed. Let’s see how.


Method 1: Enable Share Folder Option Through File Properties


Check the sharing settings of the file or the folder you want to open in its Properties.


Step 1: Right-click on the folder and click on Properties.


Folder Right Click Properties


Step 2: In the folder Properties window, select the Sharing tab and click on the Advanced Sharing button.


Folder Properties Sharing Tab Advanced Sharing


Step 3: In the Advanced Sharing dialogue box, check the box next to Share this folder option.

Press Apply and then OK to save changes and exit.


Advanced Sharing Share This Folder Check Apply Ok


You can now try and open the folder or the drive and it should open normally.


Method 2: Set the Folder Permissions for Everyone


Changing the sharing permissions to Everyone can also fix the issue with the LAN connections.


Step 1: Right-click on the problem folder and select Properties from the right-click menu.


Folder Right Click Properties


Step 2: In the Properties dialogue box, this time, select the Security tab and press the Edit button.


Folder Properties Security Edit


Step 3: In the Permissions for folder, click on Add.


Permissions Security Add


Step 4: It opens the Select Users or Groups window.

Go to Enter the object names to select field and type Everyone in the box.


Select Users Or Groups Enter The Object Names To Select Everyone


Step 5: Click the Check Names button next to it and the text (Everyone) gets underlined.

Press OK to save changes and return to the Permissions window.


Select Users Or Groups Check Names Everyone Underlined Ok


Step 6: In the Permissions window, go to the Group or user names field and select Everyone.


Permissions Security Group Or User Names Everyone


Step 7: Now, go to the Permissions for EVERYONE section and check all the boxes under the Allow column (Full control, Modify, and Write).

Press Apply and then OK to save the changes and return to the Properties dialogue box.


Permissions For Everyone Allow Column Check All Boxes Apply Ok


Step 8: Hit the Apply button and then OK again to save the changes and exit.


Now, go to the folder you were trying to open and it should open now. without showing any error.