File system error (-2147416359) in Windows 10/11 Fix

If you are facing an error message named ‘File System error 2147416359‘ when trying to access any type of file on your system, don’t worry. This peculiar problem inhibits your access to any file type on your system unless you take care of the matter yourself. Just follow these quick workarounds and then go for the solutions.


1. Try restarting your computer and check if the problem solves itself.

2. Check the Windows Update section. If there are any updates pending, install them on your system.


Feature Image


Fix 1 – Manually start Windows License Manager service

Sometimes this problem if the Windows License Manager service is disabled on your computer.

1. Press the Windows key along with the R key.

2. Then type “services.msc“. Click on “OK” to run the Services on your computer.


Services Run


3. In the Services window, just scroll down to find the “Windows License Manager Service“.

4. When you have found the service, just double click on it.


Windows Lm Service Dc


5. Here, set the startup type to “Manual” from the drop-down menu.

6. Then, click on “Apply” to apply the settings on your computer.


Manual License Manager Min 11


7. After this, you have to click on “Start” to start the service on your computer.

8. Finally, click on “OK” to modify the settings.

Now, close the Services utility window.

9. Restart your computer

Try accessing the image, video, or Calculator on your computer. It will work just fine. Your problem should be solved.


Fix 2 – Uninstall Photos app and reinstall

If this problem is only happening while you try to access any type of photo on your computer, go for this solution.

1. Press the Windows key+X.

2. Then click on the “PowerShell (Admin)“.


Start Right Click Windows Powershell Admin


3. To uninstall the Photos app package, copy-paste this command in the Powershell window, and then hit Enter.

Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage


Powershell Photos


Close Powershell window.

Reboot your computer to save the changes on your computer.

4. Open the Store on your computer.

5. Then, you have to search for “photos“.

6. After that, click on “Microsoft Photos“.


Microsoft Photos App Search Store


7. Now in the Settings window, click on “Get” to install Photos on your computer.


Photos Get


Photos will be installed on your computer.


Fix 3 – Clean boot your device

Clean booting your computer can solve the issue.

1. Right-click on the Windows icon and then click on “Run“.

2. Type “msconfig” here in the Run window. Click on “OK“.




3. Once the System Configuration window opens up, go to the “General“.

4. Simply after that, select the “Selective startup” option.

5. After that step you have to check the box beside the “Load system services.


New System Config


6. Click on the “Services” tab.

7. Next what you have to do is check the “Hide all Microsoft services“.

8. After that you have to click on “Disable all“.


Hide All Items


All the third-party apps on your system will be disabled.

8. Then, click on the “Startup” section.

9. Click on the “Open Task Manager“.


Open Task Manager


10. Once the Task Manager appears, right-click on each application one-by-one and click on “Disable” to disable them all.


Disable All


Once you have done disabling every startup item, close the Task Manager window.

11. Back in the System Con, click on “Apply” and “OK”.


Apply Ok


Restart your system.

Try to access the Control Panel again.


Fix- 4 Run SFC scan

Running an SFC scan will examine your system files for any corrupted file.

1. Type “Command Prompt” in the search box.

2. Then just press ‘Enter‘ from your keyboard.


Cmd Enter


3.To run a System File Checker (SFC) scan, what you need to do is to write this command and hit Enter.

sfc /scannow


Command Prompt Admin Mode Sfc Scannow Enter


4.After this you have to run a DISM scan. To do so, copy-paste this command and then hit Enter.

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


Command Prompt (admin) Run Dism Command Enter


Once both the scans are complete, reboot your device and check if this works.


Fix 5 – Run apps troubleshooter

If the previous fix didn’t work out, try to troubleshoot the Photos app on your computer.

1. At first, type “Troubleshoot settings” in the search box.

2. After that, click on the “Troubleshoot settings“.


Troubleshooting Settings


3. Now, click on the “Additional troubleshooters” to view the list of additional troubleshooters.


Additional Troubleshooter


4. Then, click on the “Windows Store Apps“.

5. To run the troubleshooter, click on “Run the troubleshooter“.


Store Apps Run The Troublshooter


Your problem should be solved.

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