What is YourPhone.exe in Windows 10 and Can We Disable It?

If you have been wondering what is the YourPhone.exe process in your Windows 10 PC that’s running in the background, then nothing to worry. It’s not a virus and is rather an official Microsoft app that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store. This app helps connect your PC and the smartphone, thus helping you to manage your smartphone data easily.

Hence, you can also disable the app when you want. The only issue about this app is that it keeps running in the background and uses up a substantial amount of system memory. So, if you don’t need the app, the best option is to disable it. Let’s see how.


Method 1: Disable Through the Privacy Settings


Step 1: Click on Start and select Settings from the menu.


Desktop Start Settings


Step 2: In the Settings window, click on Privacy.


Settings Privacy


Step 3: Next, in the Privacy settings window,on the left side of the pane, scroll down and under App permissions, select Background apps.


Settings Privacy Background Apps


Step 4: Now, go to the right side of the pane and under Select which apps run in the background, scroll down to locate Your Phone.

Then move the switch to left to turn it off.


Background Apps Select Which Apps Run In The Background Your Phone Off


Now, you should not see the YourPhone.exe process running in the Task Manager again. When you want to run it again, simply turn it on.

However, if you want to uninstall the app, you would need to run a PowerShell command.


Method 2: Uninstall Using Windows PowerShell


Step 1: Right-click on Start and select the Windows PowerShell (Admin) from the menu.


Start Right Click Windows Powershell Admin


Step 2: It will open the PowerShell window in elevated mode. Copy and paste the below command and hit Enter:


Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.YourPhone -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage


Windows Powershell (admin) Run Command To Uninstall Yourphone.exe Enter


Once the command execution is complete, the YourPhone.exe process will be completely removed from your system. You will now no more see the app on your system.

When you require the app, simply head to Microsoft Store and download it again.

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