Fix- Error Code 0xc0000225 in Windows 10/11

Some Windows 10 users are complaining about an BSOD issue on their computer. According to these users, Windows is not booting up and there is an error message saying “Your PC needs to be repaired. A required device isn’t connected or can’t be accessed.” followed by an error code ” 0xc0000225“. In case if you are seeing this error message at your end, don’t worry. Follow these simple fixes and the issue will be solved in no time.

To try all these fixes on your device, you need a bootable installation media (or the Windows 10 DVD from which you had installed the Windows 10). If you don’t have one, you have to create a bootable installation media. After you have created the bootable installation media for your device, you may proceed to the main solutions.

B. You have to change the boot option on your computer. In order to change the boot options, follow these steps-

Changing boot priority to the right order will boot your computer from the flash drive/ CD-ROM drive.

1. Start the computer.

2. When the computer is booting up, press “F12* key to open boot settings on your computer.

* NOTE– The actual key to open the boot settings on your computer can differ.  Please check it for your system.


New Boot Menu


3. When BIOS settings will open on your computer, go to “BIOS“.

You will  notice different set of options in boot priority.

Simply put the “Removable Devices” (if you have created a bootable installation media)  or “CD-ROM Drive” (if you have the installation disk) at the top as it will be set to highest priority. In some PC, this order may look different. Just make sure to put USB or (CD-ROM Drive) at top.


Boot Menu


Once you have done it, save and exit BIOS settings to boot your computer from the Windows 10 installation drive.


Fix-1 Run Automatic Startup repair-

Startup Repair can solve issues with the startup issue in Windows 10.

1. Plug in the installation media you have created (or the Windows 10 installation DVD) and set your language preferences and click on “Next“.


Windows Setup Language 1 1 1


2. Now, click on “Repair your computer” on the bottom left corner of the Recovery Environment.


Windows Setup Repair Comp


3. In Troubleshooting window, click on “Advanced options“.

advanced options min min
advanced options min min

4. In the Advanced options window, click on ”

startup repair min
startup repair min

” to analyze startup issue on your computer.


Your computer will be rebooted. Unplug the Windows 10 installation disk before the computer reboots.

Check it this helps.


Fix-2 Re-build BCD-

Re-build Boot Configuration Data (BCD) on your computer.

1. Plug in the installation disk and then click on “Next“.


Windows Setup Language 1 1 1


2. Now, click on “Repair your computer” on the bottom left corner of the Recovery Environment.


Windows Setup Repair Comp


3. In Troubleshooting window, click on “Advanced options“.


Troubleshoot Advanced


4. In the Advanced options window, click on the “Command Prompt“.


Command Prompt New


5. Now, choose a account with administrative privilege. Enter your account password and click on “Continue“.


Command Account


Command Prompt window should be opened in Troubleshooting mode.

6. In order to rebuild the boot configuration data, copy-paste this command in Command Prompt window and then hit Enter.

bootrec /rebuildBcd


Boot Rec Rebuild


Press “A” from your keyboard when you will be prompted ‘Add installation to boot list‘.

7. In Command Prompt window, copy-paste these commands one by one and hit Enter after each of them execute these.

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot 



Close Command Prompt window.

8. Coming back to click on “Turn off your PC” to shut down the computer.


Turn Off Your Pc


9. Wait for a while.

10. Unplug the Windows 10 installation drive from your computer.

11. Start your computer and it will boot up Windows 10 normally.



Fix-3 Restore Master Boot Record (MBR)-

Restoring the Master Boot Record in your computer may solve this problem.

1. Plug in the installation disk and then click on “Next“.


Windows Setup Language 1 1 1


2. Now, click on “Repair your computer” on the bottom left corner of the Recovery Environment.


Windows Setup Repair Comp


3. In Troubleshooting window, click on “Advanced options“.


Troubleshoot Advanced


4. In the Advanced options window, click on the “Command Prompt“.


Command Prompt New


5. Now, choose an account with administrative privilege.

6. Enter your account password and click on “Continue“.


Command Account


Command Prompt window should be opened in Troubleshooting mode.

7. In order to rebuild the boot configuration data, copy-paste this command in Command Prompt window and then hit Enter.

bootsect /nt60 C:


Boot Sect C


When you see the message “Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes“.

Close Command Prompt window.

8. Coming back to click on “Turn off your PC” to shut down the computer.


Turn Off Your Pc


9. Wait for a while. Eject the Windows 10 installation drive from your computer.

10. Start your computer and it will boot up Windows 10 normally.

Your problem will be solved for sure.