Fix: ‘IPv6 Connectivity- No network access’ error in Windows 10 / 11

Some Windows 10 users are complaining about an internet connectivity issue on their computer. According to them, the internet connection is not working on their system and they are noticing “IPv6 Connectivity: No network access” error in the network properties. In case, if you are facing the same issue on your computer, follow the fixes of this article and the problem will be solved in no time. But, you should try these workarounds first to test some simpler solutions for this problem-


1. Reboot your computer and check if it works or not.

2. Disable Firewall and Antivirus on your computer temporarily and check if helps.

Otherwise, go for these solutions-

Fix-1 Reset IPv6 and Winsock-

To reset IPv6 and winsock on your computer, follow these steps-

1. Pressing ‘Windows key‘ and the ‘R‘ key will open the Run window.

2. In the Run window, type “cmd” and then press ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter’ keys together to open the Command Prompt in administrative mode.


Cmd Search New


3. In Command Prompt window, copy and paste all of these commands one by one and then hit Enter after each of the commands to execute them sequentially on your computer.

ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log




Once done, reboot your computer to save the changes.

After rebooting, check if you are still facing ‘IPv6 Connectivity: No network access‘ on your computer.


Fix-2 Uncheck IPv6 settings-

1. Pressing Windows key with the “R” key will pop up a Run terminal.

2. Then type “ncpa.cpl” and click on “OK“.


Ncpa Err Connection Reset


3. Now, right-click on the network adapter you are using and then click on “Properties“.


Right Clik Properties Network Min


4. In the WiFi Properties window, uncheck the option “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)”

5. Then, click on “OK“.


Uncheck Ipv6


Restart your computer to save the changes.

After rebooting your computer, check if you can connect to the network from your computer.


Fix-3 Reinstall the network driver

1. At first, press ‘Windows key‘ and the “X” and then click on the “Device Manager“.


Win + X Device Manager


2. Expand the “Network Adapters” driver section from the list.

3. Then, right-click on your network driver you are using and choose “Uninstall device.

Screenshot 2022 06 17 200900 Min



4. Now, click on Action and then select Scan for hardware changes


Action Scan Changes Driver Min

Your problem should be solved.

Fix-4 IP helper service-

Automating IP helper service on your computer may solve this issue on your computer.

1. By pressing the Windows key you can access the Search box. Here, you need to type “services“.

2. Then, click on the “Services“.


Services New


3. In the Services window, scroll down to find the “IP helper” service in the list of services.

4. Double click on it.


Ip Helper


5. In the IP Helper Properties window, click on ‘Startup type‘ and choose “Automatic“.

6. Check if  ‘Startup Status‘ is “Running“, otherwise, click on “Start” to start the service.

7. Finally, click on “Apply” and “OK” to save the changes on your computer.


Ip Helper Props


Close IP Helper Properties on your computer.

Reboot your computer to save the changes. After rebooting, you should be able to connect to the internet again. Your problem should be solved.

4 thoughts on “Fix: ‘IPv6 Connectivity- No network access’ error in Windows 10 / 11”

  1. Just to be clear, unchecking the IPV6 box in the protocol may restore Internet connectivity, it will not fix IPV6 issues.

  2. I just wanted to add that in WIN 10 I had to uninstall the device driver for my ethernet connection and have PnP detect and re-install it before I had IPV6 connectivity.

  3. Why does disabling ipv6 work for this? Everything I looked up told me to not disable ipv6 for various reasons, but I couldn’t connect to Discord or any game that was played online while it was enabled, as it did indeed say IPv6 Connectivity – No internet Access.

    Can this also be related to a router issue or does the “IPv6 Connectivity – No internet access.” mean its an issue on my system, and if so can something like microsoft visual c++ cause this to mess up?

    I recently downloaded and installed from Steam Dishonored 1 and it installed a typical Microsoft Visual C++ whatever like most old games do when installed on a newer system, and I thought nothing of it, but then over two days I would randomly get disconnected from Discord and whatever Online game I was playing. I am extremely anxious as this laptop is relatively new (Less than 6 months old) and I use my free time connecting with friends on Discord and unwinding by playing games..

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