Screen time not working in iPhone: Fix

Getting wrong screen time information on your iPhone? The screen time helps you track and control your usage of the phone. So, if the iPhone fails to calculate show you the correct screen time on your iPhone, you must fix it immediately. If you are looking for a guide, these solutions will be helpful fixing the screen time issue in iPhone.


Fix 1 – Disable and re-enable the Privacy restrictions

Disable the Privacy restrictions and re-enable the same to fix the screen time problem on your iPhone.

Step 1 – Go ahead and open the Settings on your iPhone.

Step 2 – You will notice the “Screen Time” option, there. Open it up.


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Step 3 – In the Screen Time settings on your iPhone, touch to open the “Content & Privacy Protections” settings.


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Step 4 – Simply, disable the “Content & Privacy Restrictions” setting.


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Wait for a few seconds.

Step 5 – Then, enable the “Content & Privacy Restrictions” feature.


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Now, you can access the screen time data on your iPhone. Check if this works.


Fix 2 – Restart your phone normally

Sometimes all it takes, just a normal system reboot for the essential features to work again.

Step 1 – Just close all the apps, manually.

Step 2 – Next, press and hold the Power button on your phone.

Step 3 – Later, adjust the slider in the ‘Slide it to power off‘ to shut down your iPhone.

Once you have the shut down the iPhone, use the same power button to restart your iPhone.

Go check the Screen Time on your iPhone from the iPhone Settings page.


Fix 3 – Disable the Share across devices feature

See if turning off the ‘Share across devices’ feature solves the Screen Time problem.

Step 1 – You must go to the Settings menu.

Step 2 – Next, open the “Screen Time” settings.


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Step 3 – Switch the “Share Across Devices” option to “Off” mode.


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Now, as you have disabled the cross device sharing feature, you won’t face any problem accessing the Screen Time issue.


Fix 4 – Reset all the iPhone settings

Still no luck with the screen time settings on your iPhone? Try resetting the iPhone settings to fix it.

Step 1 – Go to the Settings. Next, go this way –

General > Transfer or reset iPhone


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Step 2 – In there, tap the “Reset” option.

Step 3 – Among all the other options, use the “Reset All Settings” to reset all the iPhone settings.


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The resetting iPhone settings will reboot your iPhone to complete the process. But, before it starts the process, you have to verify the process using your Apple ID.