TOP 5 Fixes to overcome the Slow Internet Issue in Windows 10/11

Most of the time, we notice that even when there is internet connectivity, the speed is really slow. If you are seeing the Slow Internet or Slow Connectivity issues in your system, consider trying out the below fixes.

Fix 1: Turn Off Peer-to-Peer Update

When you have various Windows computers within the same network, the Peer-to-Peer Update feature allows sharing the Windows Update with these computers. While this is good in certain cases, you might see slow internet connectivity issues. To turn off  this feature, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open Run Dialog with Windows+R.

Step 2: Type control update and click on the Ok button.


Control Update In Run

Step 3: Click on the Advanced options.


Windows Update Min


Step 4: Scroll down to the Additional options section and then click on Delivery Optimization.


Click On Delivery Optimization


Step 5: In the opening window, under the Allow downloads from other PCs section, toggle the button to turn it  Off as shown below


Disable Allow Downloads From Other Pcs


In case this doesn’t help, try out the next fix.

Fix 2: Modify the Internet Bandwidth Settings

Note: This Fix works only in Windows Pro versions.

Step 1: Open Run Dialog with Windows+R.

Step 2: Type gpedit.msc and click on the Ok button.


4 Run Gpedit

Step 3: In the local Group Policy Editor, navigate to the below location.

Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler

Double-click on the selection, to expand it.

Step 4: On the right-hand side, double-click on Limit reservable bandwidth.


Limit Reservable Bandwidth Min


Step 5: In the appearing window, check the Enabled option.

Step 6: Set the Bandwidth limit to 0.

Step 7: Click on Apply and then click on OK.


Enable Bandwidth Limit Min

Fix 3: Keep your WiFi Drivers up to date

Step 1: Hold the keys Windows and to open the Run Terminal window

Step 2: Type devmgmt.msc  and hit Enter






Step 3: In the Device Manager window that opens, scroll down and double-click on Network adapters

Step 4: Right-click on Intel(R) Dual-band Wireless-AC 7260 and click on Update Driver


Update Driver


Step 5: In the Update Drivers window, click on Search Automatically for drivers


Search Automatically For Drivers

Step 6: System searches and you will be notified of any updated drivers are found.

Step 7: Follow the onscreen instructions and update the drivers.

Check if this helps, if not do the following:

Step 8: In the Update Drivers window, click on Browse my computer for Drivers


Browse My Computer For Drivers


Step 9: Click on Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer


Let Me Pick From A List Of Available Drivers On My Computer


Step 10: From the list of Compatible drivers, select the one that is not being used currently and click on Next

Many users have reported that using the driver from Microsoft has helped them solve the issue.


Select The One That Is Not Being Used


Step 11: Wait for the driver to be updated and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.

If you still see the issue, choose another driver from the list, try the drivers one after another until the issue resolves.

Fix 4: Turn Off Auto Tuning Feature

Step 1: Open the Run Terminal. Use the shortcut Windows+R.

Step 2: Type cmd and hold the keys Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open the Command Prompt in Admin mode.




Step 3: If you see a User Acess window showing up seeking permission, click on Yes.

Step 4: In the command prompt window that opens, type the below command

netsh interface tcp show global


Check Auto=tuning Level


Step 5: Check the value corresponding to the Recieve Window Auto-tuning Level. If the value is Normal or enabled, turn it off using the below command.

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Step 6: Check if you are able to resolve the slow Internet issue. If not within the command prompt execute the below commands to flush the DNS entries


Now, check if the issue has been fixed. If not try the next fix.

Fix 5: Disable the Large Send Offload

Step 1: Hold the keys Windows and to open the Run Terminal window

Step 2: Type devmgmt.msc  and hit Enter




Step 3: In the Device Manager window that opens, scroll down and double-click on Network adapters.

Step 4: Right-click on Ethernet Adapter and choose Properties.


Right Click Choose Properties


Step 5: Go to the Advanced tab.

Step 6: Under the Property section, choose Large Send Offload v2(IPv6)

Step 7: Under the Value section, choose Disabled.

Step 8: Click on the OK button.


Disable Large Send Offload Ipv6


Step 9 : Under the Property section, choose Large Send Offload v2(IPv4)

Step 10: Under the Value section, choose Disabled.

Step 11: Click on the OK button.


Disable The Large Send Offload Ipv4


Step 12: Now, check if the Slow Internet Issue has been resolved.

That’s All

We hope this article has been informative. Thank you for Reading.

Kindly comment and let us know if you find these fixes useful.