Restricted mode on YouTube has hidden comments for this video: Fix

Seeing “Restricted mode has hidden comments for this video” on videos after videos on YouTube? The restriction mode on the YouTube app blocks or hides all the comments on the YouTube video feed. This is a very simple issue and all you have to do is to change a toggle in the YouTube app settings.


Fix – Disable the Restricted Mode

The Restricted Mode, as the name suggests, limits several features of the YouTube video streaming features. One of these limiters are placed on the Comments. The limited access to the Comments tab ensures the users can’t see or make new comments on the video.

Step 1 – To troubleshoot the issue, open the YouTube app, if it isn’t opened yet.

Step 2 Next, tap your account image on bottom-left corner.

Step 3 – Now, tap the ⚙ button in the top to access the Settings tab.


youtube settings min


Step 4 – Go to the “General” tab.


general discord min


Step 5 – Find and disable the “Restricted Mode” module in the general settings on the YouTube app.


restricted ode min


Once you have disabled the restricted mode, the comments won’t get disabled or show you the “Restricted mode has hidden comments for this video”  message on any of the videos.

Now, if you see the “Comments are turned off” message in some videos, the comments are disabled by the channel owner. In this case, there is nothing you can do.